Ecolinguistics and Climate Change – August Newsletter

Ecolinguistics and Climate Change – August Newsletter


Ecolinguistics: How translation is helping fight climate change – August Newsletter

Do you know that a language dies out every 14 days? And climate change is not helping. But how can language loss and climate loss be connected?

August has been such a hot month with lots of fires and storms taking place in the world because of the planet heating up. But global warming is only one aspect of climate change. Despite the many events about the environment to raise people’s awareness, there is still a lot to do. The main issue is the lack of effective communication about the climate changes we are dealing with. Sometimes, we take the words we use to communicate for granted, but in some situations, choosing our words carefully is crucial.

We just need to think about Africa, as you will read in our blog post, where little is being done to fight climate change. Moreover, people don’t speak English, leading to a lack of awareness of environmental issues. Therefore, translation has an essential role in helping people understand the meaning of global warming. In this newsletter, you will also find out about ecolinguistics, a branch of linguistics that explores the relationship between the language of a community and its environment.

Furthermore, at LingoStar we celebrate various countries and their cultures each month. In August, we celebrated Argentine and Australian curiosities.



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October 1, 2021