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Expand Your Business by Translating Your Documents, Videos and Websites with LingoStar

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Translation Services Canada – Welcome to LingoStar 

Established in 2004, LingoStar Language Services is a versatile and resourceful language services company dedicated to excellence in quality and customer service. We provide cultural and industry-appropriate language solutions tailored to your specific needs. Ready to go global? Do you want to reach multilingual communities?

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Explore Website Translation & Localization | LingoStar

Interested in website translations? Go global with your multilingual site!

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LingoStar provides translation of all types of written documents of any kind of complexity. Whether it is a personal document, a complex medical report, a technical manual, or a patent of a new design – we are here to help you.


Are you looking for the right person to interpret spoken texts in a conference, provide training, or translate verbal negotiations? LingoStar Language Services can help you find a professional interpreter that will fit your exact needs. Reach out to multilingual communities with our interpreters.


All of your audio and media files need to be localized if you want to attract your target audience. Voice-over translation is perfect for this purpose. With LingoStar you can find the perfect voice-over artist to help your business reach your target market.


Do you want to establish credibility with international customers? We can provide website translation to French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and many other languages to help your customers understand and use your services or products.


We are a Canadian company and specialize in English to French translation.

Need translation from Canadian French into English or English into Canadian French?

LEARN MORE about French Canadian translations


LingoStar is looking for reliable freelance translators, interpreters, proofreaders, desktop publishers, voice-over artists, transcribers, tutors, tour guides and other language professionals who will work with us to deliver high quality services within set deadlines.
LEARN MORE about translation applications


Traduzione ai tempi del Coronavirus: la comunicazione

Traduzione ai tempi del Coronavirus: come LingoStar può aiutarti con le traduzioni  in questo periodo Prima di tutto ci auguriamo che voi, i vostri familiari e i vostri colleghi e amici stiate bene in questo momento di pandemia globale. Vogliamo informarvi che noi continuiamo a lavorare con la traduzione ai tempi del Coronavirus, poiché molti dei nostri traduttori ed editori lavorano a distanza “da casa”. D’altronde è questo il mondo della traduzione freelance. Pertanto, ci atteniamo alle raccomandazioni di distanziamento sociale e minimizziamo il rischio di contagio tra i nostri dipendenti e traduttori. Come può un’agenzia affrontare il Coronavirus con la traduzione? Siamo consapevoli del fatto che molte aziende in tutto il mondo abbiano bisogno di aggiornare i propri clienti, colleghi, dipendenti, partner commerciali e così via. Il nostro desiderio non è quello di trarre profitto da questa crisi, bensì di contribuire alla promozione dell’informazione. Per cui, sentitevi liberi di contattarci per qualsiasi esigenza di traduzione relativa alla comunicazione di COVID-19. Che si tratti di una traduzione o di un voice-over, saremo lieti di aiutarvi a diffondere il vostro messaggio multilingue in spagnolo, francese, cinese, italiano, coreano, tedesco, farsi e altro ancora. Nelle ultime due settimane, abbiamo già tradotto messaggi e annunci aziendali per alcuni dei nostri clienti. Traduzione ai tempi del Coronavirus: chiedi il nostro aiuto Sappiamo che i vostri messaggi in questi tempi dovranno raggiungere più persone molto velocemente. Pertanto, lavoreremo 24 ore su 24 per assicurarci che le vostre esigenze di traduzione siano soddisfatte. In questo duro momento, per le traduzioni relative a COVID-19, il sovrapprezzo dell’urgenza, se richiesta, non verrà accreditato. Naturalmente, come di consueto,... read more

COVID-19 Übersetzung: Hilfe bei mehrsprachiger Kommunikation

COVID-19 und wie LingoStar Ihnen mit Ihrer COVID-19 Übersetzung helfen kann Als Erstes hoffen wir, dass es Ihnen, Ihrer Familie und Ihren Kollegen in diesen schwierigen Zeiten gut geht. Da der Coronavirus, auch COVID-19 genannt, sich immer weiter in Kanada ausbreitet, beachten Sie bitte die allgemeinen Informationen der kanadischen Regierung, um Ihre Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Wir möchten Sie wissen lassen, dass wir in dieser Zeit immer noch aktiv sind, da viele unserer Übersetzer und Redakteure traditionell von “zu Hause” aus arbeiten. So sind wir normalerweise in der Welt der freiberuflichen Übersetzung tätig. Somit halten wir uns bereits jetzt an die Empfehlungen zur Sozialen Distanzierung und minimieren das Infektionsrisiko bei unseren Mitarbeitern und Übersetzern. Daher stehen wir für alle Anfragen im Bezug auf eine COVID-19 Übersetzung zur Verfügung. Wie kann eine Übersetzungsagentur dabei helfen COVID-19 zu bekämpfen? Wir verstehen, dass viele Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt mit ihren Kunden, Kollegen, Angestellten, Geschäftspartnern usw. kommunizieren müssen. Unser Wunsch ist es nicht von dieser Situation zu profitieren, sondern Informationsweiterleitung zu fördern. Zögern Sie also nicht, sich mit jeglichem Übersetzungsbedarf im Zusammenhang mit dem COVID-19 an uns zu wenden. Ob es sich um eine Übersetzung oder ein Voice-Over handelt, wir helfen Ihnen gerne dabei, Ihre mehrsprachigen Mitteilungen in Spanisch, Französisch, Chinesisch, Italienisch, Koreanisch, Englisch, Farsi und mehr zu verbreiten. In den letzten zwei Wochen haben wir schon Firmenmitteilungen und -ankündigungen für einige unserer Kunden übersetzt. Kontaktieren Sie uns bezüglich Ihrer COVID-19 Übersetzung Wir wissen, dass Ihre Botschaften im Moment viele Menschen schnell erreichen müssen. Daher arbeiten wir rund um die Uhr um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Übersetzungsbedarf erfüllt wird. Zudem werden wir in dieser... read more

Translation services in Vancouver? You can trust LingoStar.

We are a guarantee for your translation services in Vancouver and worldwide. Looking for a multicultural and multilingual translation agency? LingoStar is your guaranteed solution. Why? Firstly, we are based and offer our translation services in Vancouver. Secondly, we can assist you round the clock thanks to our worldwide team of professional freelance translators. Lastly, we work in over 100 languages in a wide range of fields of specialization covering not only translation but also interpreting, proofreading, typesetting, localization, language tutoring and more! Who are we? LingoStar was established in 2004 and has been growing ever since! Our network of professional freelance translators spans five continents. As a result, we are available to offer you impeccable translation services worldwide. Our team consists of in-house and freelance translators as well as marketing professionals, project managers and many more language expert enthusiasts! What services can we offer you? Professional translators carry out our translations. They are native speakers of to name but a few: Dutch, German, Spanish (European Spanish and Latin American Spanish), Portuguese (European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese), Italian, and French (European French and Canadian French), Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Japanese, Korean and more! We specialize in fields such as commercial, audiovisual, legal, marketing, and website content translations. We can provide services like interpreting, transcription, voice-over, dubbing and subtitling. How LingoStar can help you We offer the best translation service in Vancouver. Our project managers analyze your requests, ask professionals to complete the translations, and proofread them. We deliver them to you by the established due date. We are at your service. If you need more information, call us today on... read more

LingoStar Translation Agency has launched a new series of interviews and stories about interesting people and artists who recount their life experiences to us. We are happy to know that there are so many talented, extraordinary people and that we have a chance to share these stories with you!

If you have a story to share with us, it can be featured here too!


Showcase your art & skills by providing us with an interview.


Do you love languages and different cultures? Tell us your life story!


Has translation helped your company thrive? Be our case study!

Working with LingoStar on many multilingual projects for both translation and voice-over is a real pleasure. Their work is extremely well-managed and the attention to detail – a must in the translation field – is outstanding. Thank you, LingoStar!

Gemma Scott

Operations Manager, Go2 Productions / Apple Inc.

LingoStar consistently delivers on time and in the format that best suits the needs of our business. We often need last-minute translations, and LingoStar’s highly professional team of translators has never disappointed.

Sina Noureddin

Mobidia Technology, Inc.



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English to Chinese Translation



English to French Translation



English to Spanish Translation

OUR CLIENTS TRUST US – SEE PAST PROJECTS  We have the privilege of working with some of the most well known companies in Canada:

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