Consecutive Interpreting: The Key to a Smooth Communication in Your Meetings

Consecutive Interpreting: The Key to a Smooth Communication in Your Meetings

Interpreting services for all your needs Interpreting services are needed in various social situations to facilitate effective communication between different parties who do not share the same language. Some of the most common interpreting modes are consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, whispered interpreting, also known as chuchotage, and sight translation. In this article, we introduce you to the main mode of interpreting for which we offer interpreting services: consecutive interpreting. What is consecutive interpreting? Unlike simultaneous interpreting, where the interpreter interprets the speaker’s words into the audience’s language within a few seconds, consecutive interpreting takes place after the speaker has finished speaking. While the speaker is speaking, the interpreter takes notes in order to produce an accurate summary of the speech in the other language. Simultaneous interpreting is best suited for meetings where there is one keynote speaker, while consecutive interpreting is more suitable for meetings with several speakers where there will be back-and-forth communication.  At LingoStar, we have extensive experience in interpreting projects, especially consecutive interpreting. We regularly work with professional consecutive interpreters on projects in a variety of fields, usually public or social services, including business meetings, legal proceedings, and medical appointments. What to look for in a consecutive interpreter What does it take to become a consecutive interpreter? Can anyone do it, or does it require special training and skills? A professional interpreter needs to practise a number of skills on a regular basis in order to deliver a coherent and structured speech that conveys the same information as the original speech, with the same tone, register, and intonation. Every consecutive interpreter must be proficient in note-taking....
The Future of Translation: Bridging Tradition and Innovation | 2024

The Future of Translation: Bridging Tradition and Innovation | 2024

What will the future of translation look like? In the dynamic landscape of technological innovation, the translation industry stands at the crossroads of tradition and transformation. In the midst of rapid technological evolution, the translation industry is grappling with the challenges and opportunities of 2024. As the year unfolds with a wave of cutting-edge advances, questions are being asked about the relevance of traditional translation agencies. But rather than fading into the background, these agencies are proving resilient and adaptable, embracing and expanding their role in the face of new technologies. This blog post explores how translation agencies are not only holding their own but are essential to harnessing the full potential of technological breakthroughs in language translation. What key role will these agencies play in navigating the future of translation? The human touch in AI-powered future of translation While AI-powered translation models have made remarkable progress, they still lack the nuanced understanding and cultural sensitivity that human translators bring to the table. As a result, translation agencies are integrating AI into their workflows to improve efficiency while at the same time recognizing the irreplaceable value of human expertise in preserving the nuances of language and culture. By seamlessly combining the speed of AI with the innate human touch, translation agencies offer a unique and comprehensive approach that ensures accuracy, context and cultural relevance in every translation project. Complex project management and quality assurance determine the future of translation The scope of translation often goes beyond simple language conversion, especially in industries with complex technical terminology or specialized content. As a result, translation agencies play a critical role in...
How Translators Worldwide Improve Our Lives

How Translators Worldwide Improve Our Lives

The number of translators in the world It is said that there are 6,900 different languages in the world today. In a world where so many languages exist, there are professionals who play an important role in connecting people through different languages. These professionals are translators, located worldwide. They introduce foreign cultures and their languages to their communities. Furthermore, they translate the nuances of other languages accurately and, through accurate translation, they help to provide relevant information. Even if not always obvious, translators worldwide affect in our lives in numerous ways. For example, they help to convey messages to younger generations. As languages change over time, translators must adapt. The Internet gave birth to slang, and the younger generation creates new words all the time. Therefore, translators need to constantly keep up with the latest language trends. So, how many translators are there in the world? According to some estimates, there are 640,000 translators in the world. They are based in various regions around the world and work on a wide variety of translations. Their presence is essential to keep the 6,900 languages alive. How translators worldwide help people’s lives Translators worldwide are behind many of the things we do and enjoy. Take arts and culture, for example. Many books and artworks have become available thanks to the work of translators. Another fitting example is the film industry. Numerous countries make films and watch those with subtitles or dubbed into other languages. If a movie is made in one language only, it cannot be distributed and shared across the globe. And this is where translators come in. Translators are...
COVID-19 Coronavirus Translation: Help with Multilingual Communications

COVID-19 Coronavirus Translation: Help with Multilingual Communications

COVID-19 and how LingoStar can help you with COVID-19 coronavirus translation First of all, we hope that you, your family and colleagues are safe and well during this global pandemic. As the coronavirus, also called COVID-19, keeps spreading in Canada, please refer to general information from the Canadian Government to ensure your safety. We want you to know that we are still working during this time, as many of our translators and editors traditionally work remotely from ‘home’. This is how we usually operate in the freelance translation world. Therefore, we already comply with the social distancing recommendations and minimize the infection risk among our employees and translators. We are available for any COVID-19 coronavirus translation requests. How can a translation company fight COVID-19? We understand that many businesses around the world need to update their clients, colleagues, employees, business partners, and so on. Our desire is not to profit from this crisis but help promote information. So, feel free to reach out to us with any translation needs related to the communication of COVID-19. Whether it is a translation or a voice-over, we’ll be happy to help spread your multilingual message in Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, Korean, German, Farsi, and more. We have already been translating company memos and announcements for some of our clients in the last two weeks. Ask for help with coronavirus translations We know that your messages in these times need to reach many people fast. Therefore, we will work around the clock to make sure your translation needs are fulfilled. Our rush fees for COVID-19 related translations will be waived at this time....
Traducciones y el COVID-19: Comunicación multilingüe

Traducciones y el COVID-19: Comunicación multilingüe

COVID-19: cómo LingoStar puede ayudarle con traducciones y el COVID-19 En primer lugar, esperamos que usted, su familia y sus colegas estén sanos y salvos durante esta pandemia mundial. Dado que el coronavirus (COVID-19) sigue propagando en Cánada, pro favor consulte la información general del gobierno canadiense para garantizar su seguridad. Queremos que sepan que seguimos trabajando actualmente, ya que muchos de nuestros traductores y editores tradicionalmente trabajan desde casa. Así es como los traductores independientes solemos trabajar. Por lo tanto, ya cumplimos con las recomendaciones de distanciamiento social y minimizamos el riesgo de infección entre nuestros empleados y traductores. Entonces, LingoStar sigue trabajando y puede ayudarle con traducciones y el COVID-19. Traducciones y el COVID-19: ¿cómo podemos ayudarle? Entendemos que muchas empresas en todo el mundo necesitan seguir en contacto con sus clientes, colegas, empleados, socios comerciales, etcétera. Nuestro propósito no es sacar provecho de esta crisis, sino ayudar a promover la información. Por lo tanto, siéntase libre de contactarnos con cualquier necesidad de traducción relacionada con el coronavirus (COVID-19). Ya sea una traducción o una voz en off, estaremos encantados de ayudar a difundir su mensaje en varias lenguas como en español, francés, chino, italiano, coreano, alemán, farsi y más. Ya hemos estado traduciendo memorándums y anuncios de compañías para algunos de nuestros clientes en las últimas 2 semanas. Pida ayuda con sus traducciones relacionadas con el coronavirus Sabemos que, en estos tiempos, sus mensajes necesitan llegar a muchas personas rápidamente. Por lo tanto, trabajaremos las 24 horas del día para asegurarnos de que sus necesidades de traducción se cumplan. Además, no aplicaremos tarifas adicionales para las...
COVID-19 Traductions du Coronavirus  : Communication multilingue

COVID-19 Traductions du Coronavirus : Communication multilingue

COVID-19 et aide proposée par LingoStar concernant les traductions du Coronavirus COVID-19 Tout d’abord nous espérons que vous, votre famille et vos collègues vous portez bien en cette période de pandémie mondiale. Le Coronavirus, aussi appelé COVID-19, continuant de se propager partout dans le monde, veuillez vous référer à ces instructions du gouvernement canadien pour assurer votre sécurité. Nous tenions à ce que vous sachiez que nous continuerons à travailler pendant cette période, tout comme beaucoup de nos traducteurs/traductrices qui travaillent comme d’habitude à distance depuis chez eux. C’est généralement la manière de travailler des traducteurs indépendants. Nous respectons donc scrupuleusement les recommandations de prises de distance et minimisons les risques d’infections parmi nos employés et traducteurs. Par conséquent, nous somme à votre entière disposition pour toute traductions du Coronavirus COVID-19. De quelles armes dispose une entreprise de traduction pour lutter contre le Coronavirus ? Nous comprenons que des entreprises du monde entier ont besoin de tenir informés leur clients, collègues, employés, partenaires commerciaux etc. Notre volonté n’est pas de profiter de cette crise mais d’aider à la circulation de l’information. Ainsi, nous vous invitons à nous contacter pour toute question ou pour tout besoin de traduction relatif au COVID-19. Qu’il s’agisse de traduction ou de voice-over, nous serons plus que ravis de vous aider à faire circuler votre message en anglais, espagnol, chinois, italien, coréen, allemand, farsi, ou autre. Nous avons déjà commencé à traduire des notes et annonces d’entreprises pour certains de nos clients lors des deux dernières semaines. Acceptez notre aide pour vos traductions du Coronavirus COVID‑19 Nous sommes conscients du fait que vos messages doivent...