Translation Services Canada – Welcome to LingoStar
Established in 2004, LingoStar Language Services is a versatile and resourceful language services company dedicated to excellence in quality and customer service. We provide cultural and industry-appropriate language solutions tailored to your specific needs. Ready to go global? Do you want to reach multilingual communities?
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Explore Website Translation & Localization | LingoStar
Interested in website translations? Go global with your multilingual site!
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Website Translation Free E-book
LingoStar provides translation of all types of written documents of any kind of complexity. Whether it is a personal document, a complex medical report, a technical manual, or a patent of a new design – we are here to help you.
Are you looking for the right person to interpret spoken texts in a conference, provide training, or translate verbal negotiations? LingoStar Language Services can help you find a professional interpreter that will fit your exact needs. Reach out to multilingual communities with our interpreters.
All of your audio and media files need to be localized if you want to attract your target audience. Voice-over translation is perfect for this purpose. With LingoStar you can find the perfect voice-over artist to help your business reach your target market.
Do you want to establish credibility with international customers? We can provide website translation to French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and many other languages to help your customers understand and use your services or products.
We are a Canadian company and specialize in English to French translation.
Need translation from Canadian French into English or English into Canadian French?
LingoStar is looking for reliable freelance translators, interpreters, proofreaders, desktop publishers, voice-over artists, transcribers, tutors, tour guides and other language professionals who will work with us to deliver high quality services within set deadlines.MOST RECENT BLOG ARTICLES
COVID-19 Coronavirus Translation: Help with Multilingual Communications
COVID-19 and how LingoStar can help you with COVID-19 coronavirus translation First of all, we hope that you, your family and colleagues are safe and well during this global pandemic. As the coronavirus, also called COVID-19, keeps spreading in Canada, please refer to general information from the Canadian Government to ensure your safety. We want you to know that we are still working during this time, as many of our translators and editors traditionally work remotely from ‘home’. This is how we usually operate in the freelance translation world. Therefore, we already comply with the social distancing recommendations and minimize the infection risk among our employees and translators. We are available for any COVID-19 coronavirus translation requests. How can a translation company fight COVID-19? We understand that many businesses around the world need to update their clients, colleagues, employees, business partners, and so on. Our desire is not to profit from this crisis but help promote information. So, feel free to reach out to us with any translation needs related to the communication of COVID-19. Whether it is a translation or a voice-over, we’ll be happy to help spread your multilingual message in Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, Korean, German, Farsi, and more. We have already been translating company memos and announcements for some of our clients in the last two weeks. Ask for help with coronavirus translations We know that your messages in these times need to reach many people fast. Therefore, we will work around the clock to make sure your translation needs are fulfilled. Our rush fees for COVID-19 related translations will be waived at this time.... read moreTraducciones y el COVID-19: Comunicación multilingüe
COVID-19: cómo LingoStar puede ayudarle con traducciones y el COVID-19 En primer lugar, esperamos que usted, su familia y sus colegas estén sanos y salvos durante esta pandemia mundial. Dado que el coronavirus (COVID-19) sigue propagando en Cánada, pro favor consulte la información general del gobierno canadiense para garantizar su seguridad. Queremos que sepan que seguimos trabajando actualmente, ya que muchos de nuestros traductores y editores tradicionalmente trabajan desde casa. Así es como los traductores independientes solemos trabajar. Por lo tanto, ya cumplimos con las recomendaciones de distanciamiento social y minimizamos el riesgo de infección entre nuestros empleados y traductores. Entonces, LingoStar sigue trabajando y puede ayudarle con traducciones y el COVID-19. Traducciones y el COVID-19: ¿cómo podemos ayudarle? Entendemos que muchas empresas en todo el mundo necesitan seguir en contacto con sus clientes, colegas, empleados, socios comerciales, etcétera. Nuestro propósito no es sacar provecho de esta crisis, sino ayudar a promover la información. Por lo tanto, siéntase libre de contactarnos con cualquier necesidad de traducción relacionada con el coronavirus (COVID-19). Ya sea una traducción o una voz en off, estaremos encantados de ayudar a difundir su mensaje en varias lenguas como en español, francés, chino, italiano, coreano, alemán, farsi y más. Ya hemos estado traduciendo memorándums y anuncios de compañías para algunos de nuestros clientes en las últimas 2 semanas. Pida ayuda con sus traducciones relacionadas con el coronavirus Sabemos que, en estos tiempos, sus mensajes necesitan llegar a muchas personas rápidamente. Por lo tanto, trabajaremos las 24 horas del día para asegurarnos de que sus necesidades de traducción se cumplan. Además, no aplicaremos tarifas adicionales para las... read moreCOVID-19 Traductions du Coronavirus : Communication multilingue
COVID-19 et aide proposée par LingoStar concernant les traductions du Coronavirus COVID-19 Tout d’abord nous espérons que vous, votre famille et vos collègues vous portez bien en cette période de pandémie mondiale. Le Coronavirus, aussi appelé COVID-19, continuant de se propager partout dans le monde, veuillez vous référer à ces instructions du gouvernement canadien pour assurer votre sécurité. Nous tenions à ce que vous sachiez que nous continuerons à travailler pendant cette période, tout comme beaucoup de nos traducteurs/traductrices qui travaillent comme d’habitude à distance depuis chez eux. C’est généralement la manière de travailler des traducteurs indépendants. Nous respectons donc scrupuleusement les recommandations de prises de distance et minimisons les risques d’infections parmi nos employés et traducteurs. Par conséquent, nous somme à votre entière disposition pour toute traductions du Coronavirus COVID-19. De quelles armes dispose une entreprise de traduction pour lutter contre le Coronavirus ? Nous comprenons que des entreprises du monde entier ont besoin de tenir informés leur clients, collègues, employés, partenaires commerciaux etc. Notre volonté n’est pas de profiter de cette crise mais d’aider à la circulation de l’information. Ainsi, nous vous invitons à nous contacter pour toute question ou pour tout besoin de traduction relatif au COVID-19. Qu’il s’agisse de traduction ou de voice-over, nous serons plus que ravis de vous aider à faire circuler votre message en anglais, espagnol, chinois, italien, coréen, allemand, farsi, ou autre. Nous avons déjà commencé à traduire des notes et annonces d’entreprises pour certains de nos clients lors des deux dernières semaines. Acceptez notre aide pour vos traductions du Coronavirus COVID‑19 Nous sommes conscients du fait que vos messages doivent... read moreLingoStar Translation Agency has launched a new series of interviews and stories about interesting people and artists who recount their life experiences to us. We are happy to know that there are so many talented, extraordinary people and that we have a chance to share these stories with you!
If you have a story to share with us, it can be featured here too!
Showcase your art & skills by providing us with an interview.
Do you love languages and different cultures? Tell us your life story!
Has translation helped your company thrive? Be our case study!
Working with LingoStar on many multilingual projects for both translation and voice-over is a real pleasure. Their work is extremely well-managed and the attention to detail – a must in the translation field – is outstanding. Thank you, LingoStar!
Gemma ScottLingoStar consistently delivers on time and in the format that best suits the needs of our business. We often need last-minute translations, and LingoStar’s highly professional team of translators has never disappointed.
Sina Noureddin
English to Chinese Translation
English to French Translation
English to Spanish Translation