Holiday Season: Dishes From Around the World

Holiday Season: Dishes From Around the World

Savouring Central European Christmas: a cultural and culinary expedition ‘Tis the season! As the holiday season spirit embraces us, join the Lingo Star team – a diverse group deeply rooted in the traditions of Slovakia, Italy, the Czech Republic and Germany. Unwrap the festive tapestry of these rich cultures. Savour not only the culinary delights but also the universal language of shared customs that bind us together during this joyous season. Slovakia: Eastern European elegance In Slovakia, Christmas is celebrated on December 24th and is marked by unique traditions that add magic to the season. The first meal of the day, Christmas Eve dinner, holds a special place in Slovak traditions. Legend has it that if you refrain from eating all day, you may be rewarded with a glimpse of a golden pig! Christmas traditions and dishes vary from region to region and family to family. Wafers with honey and garlic kick off the feast, followed by a main course of fish, mushroom, or cabbage soup. Some families add prunes to cabbage soup for a unique and delicious twist. Fish, especially carp, with traditional potato salad, is a staple of the Christmas meal. No Slovak Christmas is complete without an array of cookies and cakes adorning homes. Some families go the extra mile and bake 8-10 different types of cookies every year. On Christmas Eve, Baby Jesus, or Ježiško in Slovak, takes centre stage, bringing presents for children under the twinkling tree. To add to the festivities, Slovakia also celebrates St. Nicholas’ Day on December 6th. Children eagerly place their shoes by the door or window in anticipation of...
Translation Localization: Translating for Global Markets

Translation Localization: Translating for Global Markets

Translation localization involves translators adapting a translated text to the requirements of a specific geographical area. They adjust the content to make it sound familiar and easily understood by the target audience. Localization can include elements such as cultural references, illustrative colours and images, local dialects, adaptations of dates, times, or currencies, and units of measurement, as well as local information. For high-quality localization, localization translators must have specialized skills compared to general translators. They need to have an in-depth knowledge of the culture, idiom, and lifestyle of the people from the source and target area. Ideally, native speakers of the target language should carry out the translation, but it is also essential to choose translators with specific knowledge of the target region or dialect. Therefore, companies looking to expand into new markets find localization particularly beneficial. It enables them to reflect the local culture, translate content into the local dialect, personalize their product or service, adapt promotions and events to the national holidays of the target country, and comply with local regulations where necessary. Certain types of translation require more localization than others, depending on their specific nature and the need for cultural, linguistic, and technical adaptation. Here are a few examples of types of translation that often require extensive localization: Website localization Websites often contain region or country-specific content, such as information about local services, promotions, cultural references, and news. Localization is crucial to ensure that the website is tailored to the language, culture, and local preferences of the users. Software and application localization Localization of software and applications involves adapting the user interfaces, menus, error messages,...
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Translation

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Translation

Applications of artificial intelligence The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common in our everyday lives. But what does artificial intelligence mean? According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, artificial intelligence is “the study and development of computer systems that can copy intelligent human behaviour”. Some specific applications of artificial intelligence include natural language processing and speech recognition. Nowadays, we use AI systems to write articles or even translations. These “automatic” solutions are gaining many allies. Unsurprisingly, language industry professionals are beginning to question the reliability of these growing systems. Recent developments in applications of artificial intelligence Applications of artificial intelligence have grown so dramatically in recent years that it is almost impossible to keep up with the changes. Ten years ago, for example, no one could have imagined self-driving cars. But now, they are more reality than fantasy. Another example of a new AI system is the smart vacuum cleaner. This vacuum cleaner can scan a room, identify obstacles that may stand in its way, and clean the whole room in a matter of minutes. What’s more, it doesn’t need any human help to clean. Amazing, isn’t it? Artificial intelligence technologies are developing rapidly because they can process huge amounts of data much faster than humans can, and even make more accurate predictions. Applications of artificial intelligence in language programmes However, not all developments are related to physical robots. Chatbots are on almost every website to help customers if they need any kind of assistance. By simply accessing a website, a chat will pop up and you will be able to ask any question, which artificial...
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity for a More Tolerant World

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity for a More Tolerant World

Thanksgiving is synonymous with getting together, being grateful and understanding and celebrating all the good things the year just passed brought. Times like these help us to reflect on some of the most important values in life. Sharing, communicating, and exchanging with one another makes us feel good. It helps people to better understand each other. Not only does it give context to actions but it also makes us more tolerant and respectful. It breaks boundaries, bridges gaps and unites people across borders. The more we understand each other, the more tolerant, peaceful and unified our world will be. This is why cultural and linguistic diversity is our world’s true wealth. Differences bring us closer The translation industry exists because of cultural and linguistic differences. They are at the heart of everything we do. It is because we know about these differences and how important respecting them is that we can facilitate successful international communication. We are constantly reminded of the importance of using the services of professional and qualified translators in order to avoid ridicule or damaging misunderstandings. From poorly translated subtitles (e.g. Squid Games) to embarrassing and dangerous mistranslations made by international corporations or governments, the examples abound. With countless cultures and subcultures in the world, understanding differences, ours and those of others, is crucial. It brings us closer. Cultural and linguistic diversity brings open-mindedness and comprehension. It gives meaning to actions and words, it makes us unique, which makes sharing so much more rewarding. Learning about different traditions, foods, music, dances, colours, dialects and accents adds to the importance and the wealth of cross-cultural diversity. Cultural...
Study Abroad Programs and Translation

Study Abroad Programs and Translation

Study abroad marketing strategies Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was common for students to move away from their own country to study abroad. Now that the pandemic seems to be over, this trend is picking up again. But how do they know where to go? Which country and which institution are the best fit for their needs? Today, there is a huge range of possibilities from which students can choose, especially thanks to the web. For this reason, schools and institutions do their best to promote their study programs online. They use a lot of marketing strategies to appeal to students from all over the world. Firstly, they need to know the students’ interests. In particular, where they would like to live, what type of facilities they need and so on. Secondly, institutions need to have an appealing profile on social media. Indeed, this one plays a crucial role in the lives of young people. It is also important to have a website that students can browse in different languages. Indeed, if institutions want to get the attention of international students, they need to make information accessible in their own native language. This is the key to avoiding misunderstandings. So, as we can see, here again, the role of translators is essential. A lot of institutions contact us to get their websites or marketing campaigns translated into several languages. In this way, they can reach as many students as possible. The power of social media connections Many students may have reservations about whether to embark on this journey or not. However, thanks to social media, they can take a...
Study in Canada and Why You Need Translations

Study in Canada and Why You Need Translations

Every year, thousands of students come to Canada in order to start, continue, or finish their studies. There are many Canadian schools, programs, and careers available for everyone. If you want to study in Canada, you’ll have to find the one that best suits you. You’ll also need to find out, ahead of time, what type of documents in English and French you’ll need to submit to the authorities. Why study in Canada? People worldwide consider that the quality of education in Canada is outstanding — from as early as elementary school to post-secondary studies. In fact, more than 25 Canadian universities feature in the World University Rankings. This is mainly due to their strong focus on research and development. What’s more, the Canadian government offers great support for research in many fields. In terms of economy, studying in Canada is not as expensive as in other countries such as the US or the UK. Tuition fees in Canada might seem rather cheap due to the possibility of applying for a range of scholarships. The aim of these scholarships is to cut down your expenses. Lastly, another reason why you should consider studying in Canada is its safe and peaceful environment. It is the sixth most peaceful country in the world. The process of studying in Canada Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PWPP) allows international students to stay and work in Canada for up to three years after completion of their graduation. Not only can you gain some work experience, but you can also apply for permanent residency after some time. If you’ve decided to apply to study in...