A translation project manager deals with many parties, including translators, editors, proofreaders, and clients. Their task is to hold it all together. The importance of effective translation project management lies in its ability to foster seamless coordination between these different individuals or teams, ensuring their alignment and focus on the project’s objectives. Translation project managers manage logistics, timelines, and communications. Therefore they facilitate efficient collaboration while mitigating the risks associated with miscommunication or delays. Working in translation project management: An interview with the CEO of LingoStar, Lenka de Graafova We recently interviewed Lenka de Graafova, M.A., CEO and Managing Director of LingoStar Language Services Inc. Lenka has a deep passion for world cultures and languages. Together with her team of multilingual translators and project managers, she manages foreign language projects for Canadian clients. Lenka talks about her experience in providing translation services in Canada and explains how to manage a high volume of multilingual translation projects. How and why did you create LingoStar? [Start of interview] I’ve got a translation background and I’ve worked in a translation company in London, UK. Before that, I lived in the Netherlands and had the experience of being a translator and interpreter of Czech and Dutch. Then I worked in London as a translation project manager, where I experienced the project management aspect of the job and learned how to negotiate with clients, contract translators, and manage projects in many languages. At the time, I thought it was an interesting development to grow from a translator to a project manager. When I moved to Canada in 2004 and started looking for a language-related...
In this blog post, we’re introducing our former French intern who has completed an internship with our company. She’s described the process of looking for a translation internship and what her learning outcomes were. If you’re interested in looking for a translation internship in Canada, read on! Let me introduce myself. I’m a French university student and my mission was to complete an internship in Canada. Indeed, this is a requirement of my translation studies. This internship is part of the second year of my master’s degree in translation. Following a bachelor’s degree in translation (English/Portuguese and French) and then a master’s degree, this internship was the way to conclude my five years of studies in this field. My internship didn’t have to satisfy a long list of requirements. I had to work with one of my languages, evolve in a professional translation environment (translation agency/department or an independent translator) and a professional had to supervise me. Looking for an internship in a translation agency in Canada After an internship with an independent translator last year, it was logical for me to do this one in a translation agency. I wanted to discover precisely how an agency works from the inside, how to manage a project, and also be able to work on a range of diverse projects. Diverse in terms of languages but also services, not only translation but also interpreting, subtitling, and more. I wanted to combine this internship and my desire to discover Canada. It’s for this reason that I started researching Canadian agencies. Finding a translation agency LingoStar is one of the first agencies where...
Jan Kasparec Painter in Vancouver Dear readers, We are launching a new series of interviews with interesting Czech and Slovak people living in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We would like to introduce you to people who inspire and teach us to open up to new horizons, and share their experiences about life in Vancouver, BC. Please welcome our first guest, Jan Kasparec (35), a young and talented painter who works in the Commercial Drive area in Vancouver. His colourful art showcases a spiritual world of fantasy inspired by nature. Jan himself radiates peace, harmony and happiness from the inside out, and this is projected through the bright stars in his blue eyes. Plus, ladies, he is very sexy. Jan Kasparec, what are the three main reasons you paint? What are you inspired by? When I first took on painting professionally, I was very driven and honest, but I was trying to paint images that would sell. I quit my day job because I felt that I had been only fulfilling someone else’s capitalist dream, but I worried about how to survive as a painter. Nevertheless, my reasons for painting have since changed dramatically. Last summer I experienced an inner transformation that has altered my approach towards life, my expectations and desires. I no longer wish to be a rich and famous artist. I wish to paint to feel joy and to create joy for others and to awaken people through my art. Painting has given me so much, I am so thankful for each new day before I go to sleep. Painting has opened up doors to a present moment,...
Jan Kašparec malíř ve Vancouveru Vážení čtenáři, na těchto stránkách bychom rádi odstartovali sérii rozhovorů se zajímavými Čechy a Slováky žijícími ve Vancouveru. Rádi bychom vám představili osobnosti, které nás mohou inspirovat, učit novým poznatkům, a třeba i ukázat, jak je jejich životní cesta ve Vancouveru utváří. Naším prvním hostem je Jan Kašparec, nadaný mladý malíř (35), který žije a tvoří blízko Commercial Drive. Jeho dílo okouzluje svou barvitostí, spoustou fantazie, z obrazů dýchá viditelná inspirace v duchovním světě a přírodě. Navíc Honza působí velice přirozeně, uvolněně, s radostným pohledem na svět a jiskřičkami v očích. Prostě nitěrně šťastný člověk. A dámy, ještě navíc je sexy. Jaké jsou tři hlavní důvody, proč maluješ? Co tě inspiruje? Když jsem začal malovat profesionálně, maloval jsem poctivě a zapáleně, ale snažil jsem se prorazit a maloval věci, které se prodají. Když jsem se rozhodl přestat chodit do běžné práce a budovat kapitalistický sen někoho jiného, do malování se mi vloudila starost přežít. Ovšem moje důvody pro malování se dramaticky změnily v nedávné době. Letos v létě jsem prožil vnitřní proměnu, která změnila můj přístup k životu, očekávání a touhy. Už nechci být slavný a bohatý umělec. Chci malovat pro radost vlastní a pro radost ostatních. Chci lidi probouzet skrze své obrazy. Malování mi dalo tolik, že denně před spaním děkuji za každý den. Malování mi otevřelo dveře do přítomného okamžiku. Malování mě naučilo trpělivosti, vytrvalosti, odvaze a víře. Co se týče inspirace – té je všude přehršel. Žijeme v překrásném, leč umírajícím světě. Inspirace pro mě znamená napojení na zdroj a sílu, která vytváří život v každém okamžiku. Ve Vesmíru žádný problém neexistuje, ten je jen...