Translation and Technology: Hand in Hand for Progress – January Newsletter

Translation and Technology: Hand in Hand for Progress – January Newsletter

As we look ahead to 2024, we can’t help but think about how far technology has come. What does this mean for translation? And where do translation agencies fit in? Contrary to what you might think, technology in translation is really important, and we embrace it to improve our work, rather than fear and reject it.

That’s why we’ve decided to start the new year by focusing our newsletter on the relationship between technology and translation.

In our blog post The Future of Translation: Bridging Tradition and Innovation, we reflect on the future of translation and the impact that new technologies could have on the translation industry in the coming years. It’s possible to incorporate AI-powered translation models into the translation process, but not without the help of translators and translation agencies to ensure the protection of the unique characteristics of each language and culture.

Find out more news about the world of translation and technology in our social media!