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Expand Your Business by Translating Your Documents, Videos and Websites with LingoStar

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Translation Services Canada – Welcome to LingoStar 

Established in 2004, LingoStar Language Services is a versatile and resourceful language services company dedicated to excellence in quality and customer service. We provide cultural and industry-appropriate language solutions tailored to your specific needs. Ready to go global? Do you want to reach multilingual communities?

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Explore Website Translation & Localization | LingoStar

Interested in website translations? Go global with your multilingual site!

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LingoStar provides translation of all types of written documents of any kind of complexity. Whether it is a personal document, a complex medical report, a technical manual, or a patent of a new design – we are here to help you.


Are you looking for the right person to interpret spoken texts in a conference, provide training, or translate verbal negotiations? LingoStar Language Services can help you find a professional interpreter that will fit your exact needs. Reach out to multilingual communities with our interpreters.


All of your audio and media files need to be localized if you want to attract your target audience. Voice-over translation is perfect for this purpose. With LingoStar you can find the perfect voice-over artist to help your business reach your target market.


Do you want to establish credibility with international customers? We can provide website translation to French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and many other languages to help your customers understand and use your services or products.


We are a Canadian company and specialize in English to French translation.

Need translation from Canadian French into English or English into Canadian French?

LEARN MORE about French Canadian translations


LingoStar is looking for reliable freelance translators, interpreters, proofreaders, desktop publishers, voice-over artists, transcribers, tutors, tour guides and other language professionals who will work with us to deliver high quality services within set deadlines.
LEARN MORE about translation applications


Why Are Website Translation and SEO So Important?

  Translation of a Website and SEO: How Important Are They?  Dear language friend, the holidays are here and the LingoStar team wishes you and yours all the best this holiday season! We hope that the upcoming celebrations bring joy, happiness, and love. We also hope that you enjoy this newsletter and find a lot of useful information regarding the translation of a website to help your business prosper in 2015. Have you ever wondered why certain websites immediately pop up in Google when you are searching for information, and others fall behind even though they contain more useful content? It is not just a random ranking. The way websites are ranked is a result of the work of web developers and language specialists. In today’s world of globalization, where websites play such an important role in business and communication, it is crucial to always improve your website, so that it meets the interests of the target audience. What makes websites successful and attractive for international communities is website translation. The company that invests in the translation of its website gains credibility and trust and draws clients’ attention.   However, translation of a website isn’t as simple as it seems. To target a specific audience, companies should create a strategy for search engine optimization (SEO). This is a wonderful tool that helps websites become visible and more appealing to customers. Search engines like Google rank web pages, videos, and other content based on what it considers to be most relevant to users. When translating a website, it is not enough just to translate its content into other languages. To... read more

Jan Kasparec Czech Painter Interview

Jan Kasparec Painter in Vancouver Dear readers, We are launching a new series of interviews with interesting Czech and Slovak people living in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We would like to introduce you to people who inspire and teach us to open up to new horizons, and share their experiences about life in Vancouver, BC. Please welcome our first guest, Jan Kasparec (35), a young and talented painter who works in the Commercial Drive area in Vancouver. His colourful art showcases a spiritual world of fantasy inspired by nature. Jan himself radiates peace, harmony and happiness from the inside out, and this is projected through the bright stars in his blue eyes. Plus, ladies, he is very sexy. Jan Kasparec, what are the three main reasons you paint? What are you inspired by? When I first took on painting professionally, I was very driven and honest, but I was trying to paint images that would sell. I quit my day job because I felt that I had been only fulfilling someone else’s capitalist dream, but I worried about how to survive as a painter. Nevertheless, my reasons for painting have since changed dramatically. Last summer I experienced an inner transformation that has altered my approach towards life, my expectations and desires. I no longer wish to be a rich and famous artist. I wish to paint to feel joy and to create joy for others and to awaken people through my art. Painting has given me so much, I am so thankful for each new day before I go to sleep. Painting has opened up doors to a present moment,... read more

Rozhovor Jan Kašparec malíř Czech

Jan Kašparec malíř ve Vancouveru Vážení čtenáři, na těchto stránkách bychom rádi odstartovali sérii rozhovorů se zajímavými Čechy a Slováky žijícími ve Vancouveru. Rádi bychom vám představili osobnosti, které nás mohou inspirovat, učit novým poznatkům, a třeba i ukázat, jak je jejich životní cesta ve Vancouveru utváří. Naším prvním hostem je Jan Kašparec, nadaný mladý malíř (35), který žije a tvoří blízko Commercial Drive. Jeho dílo okouzluje svou barvitostí, spoustou fantazie, z obrazů dýchá viditelná inspirace v duchovním světě a přírodě. Navíc Honza působí velice přirozeně, uvolněně, s radostným pohledem na svět a jiskřičkami v očích. Prostě nitěrně šťastný člověk. A dámy, ještě navíc je sexy. Jaké jsou tři hlavní důvody, proč maluješ? Co tě inspiruje? Když jsem začal malovat profesionálně, maloval jsem poctivě a zapáleně, ale snažil jsem se prorazit a maloval věci, které se prodají. Když jsem se rozhodl přestat chodit do běžné práce a budovat kapitalistický sen někoho jiného, do malování se mi vloudila starost přežít. Ovšem moje důvody pro malování se dramaticky změnily v nedávné době. Letos v létě jsem prožil vnitřní proměnu, která změnila můj přístup k životu, očekávání a touhy. Už nechci být slavný a bohatý umělec. Chci malovat pro radost vlastní a pro radost ostatních. Chci lidi probouzet skrze své obrazy. Malování mi dalo tolik, že denně před spaním děkuji za každý den. Malování mi otevřelo dveře do přítomného okamžiku. Malování mě naučilo trpělivosti, vytrvalosti, odvaze a víře. Co se týče inspirace – té je všude přehršel. Žijeme v překrásném, leč umírajícím světě. Inspirace pro mě znamená napojení na zdroj a sílu, která vytváří život v každém okamžiku. Ve Vesmíru žádný problém neexistuje, ten je jen... read more

LingoStar Translation Agency has launched a new series of interviews and stories about interesting people and artists who recount their life experiences to us. We are happy to know that there are so many talented, extraordinary people and that we have a chance to share these stories with you!

If you have a story to share with us, it can be featured here too!


Showcase your art & skills by providing us with an interview.


Do you love languages and different cultures? Tell us your life story!


Has translation helped your company thrive? Be our case study!

Working with LingoStar on many multilingual projects for both translation and voice-over is a real pleasure. Their work is extremely well-managed and the attention to detail – a must in the translation field – is outstanding. Thank you, LingoStar!

Gemma Scott

Operations Manager, Go2 Productions / Apple Inc.

LingoStar consistently delivers on time and in the format that best suits the needs of our business. We often need last-minute translations, and LingoStar’s highly professional team of translators has never disappointed.

Sina Noureddin

Mobidia Technology, Inc.



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English to Chinese Translation



English to French Translation



English to Spanish Translation

OUR CLIENTS TRUST US – SEE PAST PROJECTS  We have the privilege of working with some of the most well known companies in Canada:

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