The perception of video captioning on social media If you’re scrolling through your phone and watching reels without sound, you can still follow along because most creators include captions. Audio is rarely essential for audiovisual content. Nowadays, every video on Instagram, TikTok, or even on YouTube reels has captions incorporated. Captions can be translated using the same automatic transcription and translation that we see on YouTube videos. But translations or transcriptions are not always accurate! This can happen if the video lacks clear audio. Even when the audio quality is good, the transcription may struggle to match the sentence structure, so humour may be lost in the literal translation. However, users can make small manual adjustments if needed. Cross-cultural communication at hand Captions can help bridge language barriers, allowing non-native speakers to understand sociological discussions and research findings. A great expert on media communication, Richard Grusin affirmed that media technologies construct and mediate experiences, leading to a new reconfiguration of how we understand certain concepts. Read The Future of Translation: Bridging Tradition and Innovation to learn how technology is leading to changes in the translation industry. Many applications offer the possibility of adding captions to videos (CAPCUT or iMovie for iOS) instantly, even in real time while the speaker is speaking. The creator will spend more time thinking about what to say rather than editing the video because these applications simplify many of the processes. This is a more efficient way of working because you only need to fine-tune the video script that has already been translated. Adding captions to reels as a means of accessibility and awareness Why add...
Building Your Foundation to Start a Translation Business Are you passionate about languages and eager to turn your skills into a thriving enterprise? Learning how to start a translation business can be an exciting and rewarding venture. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to starting and growing a profitable translation business, even if you’re new to the world of entrepreneurship or translation. How to Start a Translation Business: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success and Profitability Educational background for your translation business While formal education isn’t always mandatory, a strong educational background can give you a significant advantage when starting a translation business. Consider the following: Bachelor’s degree in linguistics, foreign languages, or translation studies Master’s degree in translation or interpreting Certification from professional translation organizations Remember, continuous learning is key in this ever-evolving field. Stay abreast of language trends and industry developments to maintain your competitive edge as you start and grow your translation business. Developing business acumen To run a successful translation business, you’ll need more than just language skills. Here’s how you can build your business skills: Take online courses in business management and entrepreneurship Attend marketing and finance workshops for small businesses Join local business networking groups to learn from experienced entrepreneurs Invest time in an internship with a translation company. Therefore, these skills will be crucial as you start a translation business and work towards profitability. Launching your translation business If you want to stand out in a crowded market when starting a translation business, consider specializing in a specific area: Identifying your niche To stand out in the crowded market when...
Language teaching theories and methods September has come and, in many countries, its arrival ushers in a new scholastic year. In schools, many students are involved in language learning. Indeed, they study one or more languages, other than their native one. Foreign language teaching refers to the teaching of a language that is not native. Firstly, it is important to make a distinction between foreign language and second language, especially if we think about English language teaching. The terms English as Second Language (ESL) and English as Foreign Language (EFL) are not synonymous. Indeed, the difference between ESL and EFL lies in the environment in which it is taught. We refer to ESL when we learn English in a country where it is spoken. In this case, students can practice it outside of the scholastic context. EFL, instead, is taught in countries where it is not spoken outside of the scholastic context, with little chance of practising it. This is true also for the teaching of other languages. However, as English is increasingly becoming an international language and is used as a lingua franca in countries that do not speak it, the distinction between ESL and EFL is so blurred that it is not always easy to differentiate them. Language teaching methodologies Over the years, different theories of language teaching have emerged, resulting in different language teaching methodologies. We can think of the innatist theory, according to which children have an innate ability to discover language rules. This would explain why we are able to learn complex grammar rules. If we shift to the behaviourist theory, instead, we discover...
Learn how to produce multilingual subtitles in your YouTube videos Have you ever considered adding multilingual subtitles to your YouTube or company videos in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian or any other language? Do you see yourself or your company as a global communicator and multilingual content creator? Would you like to gain more exposure in different countries where people do not speak English as their native language? In this blog post and video tutorial, learn the basics of subtitling using YouTube Studio and how to easily add English and multilingual subtitles. Learning how to subtitle a video in other languages can be a lengthy process. There is not just the actual translation but also specific subtitling rules to follow. There are various subtitling programs, as well as different ways to display subtitles. Looking to hire professionals to add subtitles to your videos? Get a free translation quote here >>. How can you manage to learn it all? At LingoStar, we’ve used YouTube Studio to translate subtitles from English into French, Spanish, and Czech. We’ll show you the easy way to start creating your subtitled videos in foreign languages. By doing so, you’ll be able to attract viewers in multilingual communities both in your own country and worldwide. Are you ready to become a global entrepreneur? You’ll also find out how to use the closed caption option in YouTube where subtitles can be turned on and off. Furthermore, you’ll get to know about the differences between closed captions and embedded subtitles and how to handle both versions before publishing them on YouTube.YouTube offers the option to add subtitles...
The significance of accurate translation English is one of the most prominent languages in the world. Many people ask why doesn’t everybody just speak English? Or how important is translation? The fact is that not everyone can speak English. More importantly, language is much more than communicating with words. It is also an expression of a country’s society, culture, and beliefs. Translation facilitates effective communication between people who speak different languages by spreading information, knowledge, ideas, or messages. Therefore, it is crucial to produce a genuine and accurate translation that correctly reflects the original text. When it comes to translation services, the quality and accuracy of translations are crucial. Quality language translation narrows the gap in communication. A good translation enables companies to reach a global audience by talking in a language that their clients can understand. Accurate translation is critical to all aspects of any industry field. It requires a double effort when it comes to medical, legal, or technical translations. If the official document is not translated accurately, it can cause catastrophic consequences such as loss of income and damage to an organization’s reputation. Medical translations require a high level of accuracy for all the medical terms, findings, recommendations, and instructions in the target document. Like medical translations, legal translations must also be completely error-free. Any small mistake in the translated copy can result in serious legal issues affecting the lives and freedom of people who use the document. How to produce a genuine and accurate translation Being able to translate accurately is an art and the translator is an artist. Besides following the rules of translation...
COVID-19 et aide proposée par LingoStar concernant les traductions du Coronavirus COVID-19 Tout d’abord nous espérons que vous, votre famille et vos collègues vous portez bien en cette période de pandémie mondiale. Le Coronavirus, aussi appelé COVID-19, continuant de se propager partout dans le monde, veuillez vous référer à ces instructions du gouvernement canadien pour assurer votre sécurité. Nous tenions à ce que vous sachiez que nous continuerons à travailler pendant cette période, tout comme beaucoup de nos traducteurs/traductrices qui travaillent comme d’habitude à distance depuis chez eux. C’est généralement la manière de travailler des traducteurs indépendants. Nous respectons donc scrupuleusement les recommandations de prises de distance et minimisons les risques d’infections parmi nos employés et traducteurs. Par conséquent, nous somme à votre entière disposition pour toute traductions du Coronavirus COVID-19. De quelles armes dispose une entreprise de traduction pour lutter contre le Coronavirus ? Nous comprenons que des entreprises du monde entier ont besoin de tenir informés leur clients, collègues, employés, partenaires commerciaux etc. Notre volonté n’est pas de profiter de cette crise mais d’aider à la circulation de l’information. Ainsi, nous vous invitons à nous contacter pour toute question ou pour tout besoin de traduction relatif au COVID-19. Qu’il s’agisse de traduction ou de voice-over, nous serons plus que ravis de vous aider à faire circuler votre message en anglais, espagnol, chinois, italien, coréen, allemand, farsi, ou autre. Nous avons déjà commencé à traduire des notes et annonces d’entreprises pour certains de nos clients lors des deux dernières semaines. Acceptez notre aide pour vos traductions du Coronavirus COVID‑19 Nous sommes conscients du fait que vos messages doivent...