Vince Lombardi’s Motivational Quote Translation into German, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Japanese, Ukrainian, Spanish!

Vince Lombardi’s Motivational Quote Translation into German, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Japanese, Ukrainian, Spanish!

Vince Lombardi’s Motivational Quote Translation into German, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Japanese, Ukrainian, Spanish

It is importaquote translation, motivational quote, translation into russian, slovak, german, spanish, italian, german, japanesent to win, to achieve your goals, to be successful. However, what helps people become successful? Vince Lombardi gives you an answer: you need to WANT to win. Therefore, be positive, work harder, and you’ll be successful. Let’s make this list even longer! Don’t hesitate to contact us and send us translations of this motivational quote into languages you speak.

The Motivational Quote in English:

Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.  (Vince Lombardi)

Motivational Quote Translation into Slovak:

Vyhrať nie je všetko, ale všetkým je chuť zvíťaziť. (citát: Vince Lombardi)

Motivational Quote Translation into Russian:

Победа – это еще не все, главное – желание победить. (Винс Ломбарди)

Quote Translation into Italian:

Vincere non è tutto, ma voler vincere sì. (Vince Lombardi)

Quote Translation into Japanese:


Quote Translation into Ukrainian:

Перемога – це ще не все, головне – бажання перемогти. (Вінс Ломбарді)

Quote Translation into German:

Gewinnen ist nicht alles, aber der Wunsch dazu ist es. (Vince Lombardi)

Quote Translation into Spanish:

Ganar no lo es todo, pero querer ganar  lo es. (Vince Lombardi)

Quote Translation into French:

Gagner n’est pas tout, mais l’effort qu’il faut fournir l’est. (Vince Lombardi)


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Photo by Abigail Keenan, taken from Unsplash