Translation to Spanish
Spanish is the third-largest spoken language in the world; it is spoken by almost 420 million people. Because of this, translation from English to Spanish is very important for expanding business opportunities. We would like to share some important information regarding the translation from English to Spanish with you.
The first point to note regarding translation from English to Spanish is the specific type of Spanish that is required. Translation from English to Spanish is not the same in every Spanish-speaking country.  You may already know that Spanish is spoken in more than 20 countries as a native or official language, and each country has its own history, culture and social systems. Needless to say, Spanish in Spain is different from Spanish in Latin America, and furthermore, Latin American Spanish is different in each Latin American country.  The word ‘T-shirt’ for example, is translated as ’remera’ in Argentina, ‘playera’ in Mexico, and ‘camiseta’ in Central America and other countries. If you have no clue which Spanish you should translate to, the safest option is to translate into a neutral Spanish that will be widely understood.
In addition, translating from English to Spanish entails different levels of difficulty than translating from English to other languages. Which do you think is easier, translation from English to Spanish or translation from English to Japanese? Translation from English or other Western languages to Japanese is not easy, since Japanese has a very different grammatical structure, such as word order and syntax, and no similar words, letters or characters at all. Translation from English to Spanish, on the other hand, looks easy when compared side by side because they have similar words, grammatical structures and letters or character sets. For example, ‘class’ in English is ‘clase’ in Spanish, ’barbecue’/’ barbacoa’, etc.  However, even though translation from English to Spanish appears easier at a glance, it is very difficult to do properly. That is why a high quality translation from English to Spanish is necessary, and much care needs to go into finding the right, qualified translator for the job.
The last important point to remember regarding translation from English to Spanish is that proofreading by native speakers of the target dialect is vital. It is important not only for the translation from English to Spanish, but for all language pairs. Every language has a multitude of different dialects depending on location.
Spanish is a language with great potential for business expansion because of the pronounced economic growth in Latin American countries and population growth of Hispanic communities in the U.S. It is certain that the demand for translation from English to Spanish will only increase in the future. Are you ready for the Spanish language demands on your business?
Here at LingoStar all of our English to Spanish translators are native speakers who have spotless track records translating professional documents with 100% accuracy. Call us today at 604-629-8420 or send us an email at for more information!