Photography by Robert Demeter
Our New Positive Message Translation into French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Czech, Slovak, and Ukrainian
Have you ever thought about sense of living? Why do we live our lives on this huge, lonely planet in the middle of nowhere? Maybe, there is no sense in this at all? Maybe, we just need to help each other feel loved and important in this life? Maybe, we just need to be happy and make everything we can to have no regrets when we are old and grey. As long as people on this planet share love, become friends, and inspire each other we can be absolutely sure that we are doing everything right. Be an example for the people around you, motivate them, help them improve and become better, make sure your life is inspiring!
Help LingoStar translate this amazing message into different languages and share it with everybody! This life is so beautiful. Sometimes all we need is somebody to help us see this and not forget. Don’t hesitate to contact us and send your translations! We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Positive Message in English:
Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it is inspiring.
Positive Message Translation into French:
Ta vie est ton message au monde. Assures-toi que ce soit inspirant.
Positive Message Translation into Italian:
La tua vita è il tuo messaggio al mondo. Assicurati che sia d’ispirazione agli altri.
Positive Message Translation into Russian:
Ваша жизнь – это Ваше послание миру. Убедитесь в том, что оно вдохновляет.
Positive Message Translation into Japanese:
Positive Message Translation into Slovak:
Svojím životom odovzdávate svetu odkaz. Žite tak, aby ste boli inšpiráciou pre ostatných!
Positive Message Translation into Ukrainian:
Ваше життя – це Ваше послання світу. Переконайтесь, что воно надихає.
Positive Message Translation into Czech:
Váš život je váš vzkaz světu. Dbejte na to, ať je inspirující.