Christmas Spirit Celebration or Winter Solstice Celebration?
These two phrases have been around the world for quite a bit now. But, Christmas Spirit, Winter Solstice, what do they mean? Is there a connection between them? Are they the same celebration? When are they celebrated?
Winter Solstice Celebration, also called Yule
Winter Solstice is a time of great symbolism and power. It marks the return of the sun, when the days finally begin to get a little longer. Moreover, it marks the beginning of winter which also coincides with the shortest day of the year. The celebration usually is between the 20th and the 22nd of December in the northern hemisphere, and around June 20th and 22nd in the Southern hemisphere. People has been celebrating this major Pagan festival with rituals since before medieval times. It is an originally Nordic tradition that made the burning of a Yule Log its main attraction. Nowadays, terms similar to Yule are used in the Nordic countries to refer to Christmas and its religious rites and holidays of the season.
Christmas Spirit Celebration
The Christmas Spirit Celebration also has a Nordic origin. It is usually celebrated around the same times as the Winter Solstice Celebration, but it is mainly celebrated in Hispanic countries. It is said that when winter solstice begins, the Christmas Spirit comes down to earth and visits all men of good will who welcome it to their homes with rituals. These rituals bring prosperity, peace, good energy, and love in the new year. If you are interested in Christmas traditions around the world, look here.
Steps for a Christmas Spirit Celebration
Start by planning with whom you will celebrate this day. Some people spend it with friends, some prefer to celebrate it with family. What really matters is to spend this day in peace and harmony with the people you love.
Your Lists
Write two lists on separate pieces of paper. One list contains the negative things that happened to you in the year that is about to end. The other list is about what you want to accomplish in the next year. Burn the list of negative things while praying for forgiveness and let the negative things go. Save the list of things to accomplish for the next Christmas Spirit Celebration. This will help you see how much you accomplished.
Cleaning And Decorations
Clean your house on the morning of the Christmas Spirit Celebration. This gets your place ready for all the goodness coming in the new year. It is advisable to use tangerine and pine incense around the house if you want to attract prosperity and good energy.
If you haven’t set up Christmas decorations in your house yet, then this is the time to do it. Make sure you have a star lit somewhere in the house, because this will attract the Christmas Spirit to your place. It also symbolizes the light that will guide you through the new year.
Prepare dinner for your guests. Some people like to have a potluck. The idea is to share with others and at the same time to be thankful for what was given to us. Another important thing is the open-mindedness to what will come to us next year. Forgiveness, tolerance, peace, and love must be part of this celebration. Not only that day, but all year long.
As this is a day to be happy, it is a good idea to listen to Christmas Carols. They invite a positive feeling and help us to be open to the upcoming year.
Other rituals for Christmas Spirit Celebration
For example, one other ritual is to light a white candle at the exact time the Winter Solstice begins. Another is to put seven different kinds of beans in a bowl and place it by the door, as beans represent prosperity. Yet another is to take a shower or a bath with aromatic salts and splash your body with a tangerine splash. Another replaces the two lists mentioned in number two with a list of petitions and a list of things to be grateful for. This last one you read first. Then, proceed with the things you want to ask for. It is important to be generous and ask not only for yourself but for others and the world: the more you give to others, the more you will receive.
In the end, it is not really necessary to follow these rituals religiously. They are only a guide that you can use to create your own ritual according to your beliefs and what you can door have at home. What really matters is how much we do for others, how much we do for ourselves, and how we truly live our lives throughout these holidays and every day going forward. Doing good to others while being good to ourselves should be a task for every day life.
Happy Holidays!
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