Inspirational Message Translation into Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Czech,
Slovak, Ukrainian
Today we want to say this one more time: never give up! Even if it seems that something goes wrong, don’t concentrate on the failure. Take a day off from all your problems and negative thoughts. Tomorrow it will be better because there is always room for a new plan and a new start! So, check out today’s inspirational message and help us translate it and share it with the world! If you speak a foreign language, don’t hesitate to send us your translation of this message or proofread the existing translations! Contact us today!
The Inspirational Message in English:
If plan ‘A’ didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters!
The Inspirational Message Translation into Spanish:
¡Sí el plano “A” no funcionó, el alfabeto tiene 26 letras más!
The Inspirational Message Translation into French:
Si le plan “A” ne marche pas, il reste encore 25 lettres dans l’alphabet!
The Inspirational Message Translation into Italian:
Se il piano “A” non funziona, l’alfabeto ha altre 25 lettere!
Translation into Russian:
Если план “A” не сработал, в алфавите есть еще 32 буквы!
Translation into Japanese:
Translation into Czech:
Pokud plán A nefungoval, existuje dalších 41 písmen v abecedě!
Translation into Slovak:
Ak nezafungoval plán A, ešte stále je tu ďalších 45 písmen abecedy!
Translation into Ukrainian:
Якщо план “А” не спрацював, в алфавіті є ще 32 літери!
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