Inspirational Quote Translation into Italian, French, Japanese, Russian, Slovak, Czech, and Ukrainian
Dear friends,
Even in fairy tales happiness, fame, and success did not come to those who were sitting and doing nothing and hoping that the best is yet to come. We do not mean that real life cannot be as happy as lives of fairy tale characters. It can be and will be, but we shouldn’t wait for that very perfect moment which will make all our dreams come true. This rule has never worked. We are the ones who are responsible for our happiness, we are the ones who can make our dreams come true. What we should do is to stop waiting and start moving towards our goals and dreams. Everything is possible if you work hard, never give up and always find strength and inspiration to see the best in this world and in people around you.
Let’s inspire and support each other. Let’s share this beautiful idea with everybody. We are always happy to send your translations of the positive messages we prepare for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us and send us more translations. You are awesome!
Inspirational Quote in English:
Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect. -Zoey Sayward
Inspirational Quote Translation into Italian:
Non aspettare il momento perfetto. Prendi il momento e rendilo perfetto. -Zoey Sayward
Inspirational Quote Translation into French:
N’attend pas le moment parfait. Prend le moment et rend le parfait. -Zoey Sayward
Inspirational Quote Translation into Japanese:
完璧な時期を待ってはいけない。自分で完璧な時期にするのだ。-ゾーイ・セイワード -Zoey Sayward
Inspirational Quote Translation into Russian:
Не ждите идеального момента. Просто возьмите именно этот момент и сделайте его идеальным. -Зои Сэйворд
Inspirational Quote Translation into Czech:
Nečekejte na perfektní moment. Uvědomte si tento moment and postarejte se o to, ať je perfektní. -Zoey Sayward
Inspirational Quote Translation into Slovak:
Nečakajte na pravú chvíľu, urobte túto chvíľu tou pravou! -Zoey Sayward
Inspirational Quote Translation into Ukrainian:
Не чекайте на ідеальний момент. Просто візьмить саме цей момент і зробить його досконалим. -Зоі Сейворд
Original photo by John Felise, taken from Unsplash