Audiovisual Translation Nowadays: Another Perception of Translation

Audiovisual Translation Nowadays: Another Perception of Translation

What is Audiovisual Translation

Audiovisual translation, also known as ‘AVT’, is the translation for audiovisual works. This is as a series of related images accompanied by sounds and projected on various devices. Translation for audiovisual works has its own rules. It requires a special method of translation. Many new tools and apps have been created for this purpose. You can also read about these new developments in technology in our post on automatic translation.

Issues with Audiovisual Translation

Even though new technologies have evolved tremendously in this field, the interesting part about AVT translation is the language register. This register represents the tone and style of writing and it can be formal or informal. Also, different situations and people call for different registers.

Translators specializing in audiovisual translation usually work with many different registers. In this field, it is not a question of translating words for words. It is necessary to retransmit the feelings of a script. Why? Because the source text and the final written translation must have the same effect. For example, cultural research is very important in order to translate an onomatopeia.

‘Meta magazine’ points out these problems with AVT:

  • the synchronization between image and sound from one language to another, especially in voice-overs;
  • the distinction between oral and written language.

AVT is Evolving

The demand for audiovisual translation is growing worldwide. At LingoStar we have completed numerous audiovisual translations, including voice-overs in Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, French, European and Latin American Spanish, German, Czech, and others. A decade ago, English was the main language used for all AVT translations. But thanks to companies such as Lingostar, audiovisual works are now more accessible to the world. Moreover, all our voice-over artists and translators are native speakers, so you can expect a high-quality translation to market your global business with confidence.

If you need more information or any help with our services, call us at 604-629-8420 or send us an email at