Translation of a Quote by Petr Casanova

Translation of a Quote by Petr Casanova

French, Italian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Japanese, Russian, and English Translation of a Quote by Petr Casanova

Never give up! Even if you think you haven’t achieved your goal, just look back, and you will see how much you have already done and how much you have already learnt. Isn’t it a real success? So it is time to share this positive message with as many people as possible. You are more than welcome to send us your translation of the quote or proofread the existing translations! Just contact LingoStar and make your contribution!

Original Quote in Czech: 

Velikost úspěchu se neměří tím, čeho v životě dosáhneme, ale co cestou překonáme. (citat Petr Casanova)

English Translation of the Quote:

The greatest success is not measured by what we achieve in life, but what we overcome on our path. (by Petr Casanova)

Russian Translation of the Quote:

Величина успеха измеряется не нашими жизненными достижениями, а тем, что мы преодолеваем на нашем пути. (Цитата Петра Казановы)

Ukrainian Translation of the Quote:

Величина успіху вимірюється не нашими життєвими досягненнями, але тим, що ми долаєемо на нашому шляху. (Цитата Петра Казанови.)

Slovak Translation:

Najväčší úspech sa nehodnotí tým, čo v živote dosiahneme, ale ako si poradíme s prekážkami na našej ceste. (citát: Petr Casanova)

Italian Translation:

Il successo più grande non è dato dai risultati ottenuti, ma dagli ostacoli superati durante il percorso. (Di Petr Casanova)

French Translation:

Le plus grand succès n’est pas mesuré par les résultats obtenus, mais par les obstacles surmontés dans le chemin. (De Petr Casanova)

Japanese Translation:

最も偉大な成功とは、人生で何を成し遂げたかではなく、過去に何を乗り越えてきたかで評価される。(By ベトル・カサノバ)

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