Check Out LingoStar’s New Positive Message Translation

Check Out LingoStar’s New Positive Message Translation

Photo by Robert Demeter, taken from

Positive Message Translation into Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, Czech, Slovak, and Ukrainian

The easiest thing to do is to say that you cannot do anything. ‘I just can’t…’ How many times have you heard or said it? Have you ever tried to prove you wrong and actually DO it! LingoStar team believes that there are no impossible things to do. All that you are required to do is to start working! Certainly, great success doesn’t come to people who say they can’t; it comes to those who work hard to say ‘I could, and I did it!’. Don’t be afraid of anything because fear doesn’t help us become better and stronger. Don’t focus on problems and remember: every problem can be solved. Have hopes, have dreams, have plans, and they will motivate you!

We hope you will enjoy this week’s positive message and help LingoStar translate it into more languages. We are very happy to receive your translations and add them to the list. Don’t hesitate to contact us. Let’s have fun together!

The Positive Message in English:

When you focus on problems, you’ll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities.

The Positive Message Translation into French:

Si te concentres sur les problèmes, tu n’auras que plus de problèmes. Si, au contraire, tu te concentres sur le possibilités, tu auras plus de opportunités.

The Positive Message Translation into Italian:

Se ti concentri sui problemi, avrai solo più problemi. Se, invece, ti concentri sulle possibilità, avrai più opportunità.

The Positive Message Translation into Russian:

Как только вы сосредоточитесь на проблемах, возникнет больше проблем. Как только вы сосредоточитесь на возможностях, вам откроется больше перспектив.

The Positive Message Translation into Japanese:


The Positive Message Translation into Czech:

Když se soustředíte na problémy, budete jich mít stále více. Když se soustředíte na možnosti, přijde vám mnoho nových příležitostí.

The Positive Message Translation into Slovak:

Ak sa budete zameriavať na problémy, budete mať viac problémov. Ak sa budete zameriavať na možnosti, budete mať viac príležitostí.

The Positive Message Translation into Ukrainian:

Як тільки ви зосередитесь на проблемах, з’явиться більше проблем. Як тільки ви зосередитесь на можливостях, вам відкріється більш перспектив.