Positive Message Translation Into French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, And Slovak Today, with this positive message translation, we want to remind you one more time that this life is beautiful. Just look around! Wherever you are, you can see life around you. And if for some reason you do not like this reality, do not start hating it. Try to think about what you can do to make it a little bit better. As soon as you make someone happier, you become happier too. Sometimes we get confused and believe that to be happy we need material things. These include huge houses, fancy cars, private jets. Moreover, we believe that we need to be successful, get a well-paid job, and have perfect bodies. All these things are just great! However, don’t forget that happiness is unsteady. In other words, one moment it is there and then you are so busy with all your routine problems that you just forget to live. Keep going, keep dreaming, keep achieving your goals! Above all, remember those simple moments that make you happy and smile. For instance, remember those mornings when you wake up and feel that everything will be just fine. That is to say when you are full of energy and ready to conquer this world. Therefore, no matter how hard it is, remember those moments and be sure: if you felt it before, you will feel it again. In short: smile, work, be active, laugh, love, and be HAPPY! Today LingoStar has prepared this amazing positive message for you and translated it into seven languages. Make your contribution, don’t...
Zig Ziglar’s Motivational Quote Translation into French, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Czech, Ukrainian, Slovak Nobody tells you that having fun and relaxing in front of the TV is bad as all of us need some time to forget about all the stressful things in our life. Then, we just watch a new episode of the favourite show, go out with friends or simply spend an evening with family. However, one can appreciate these moments only when one works hard to achieve one’s goal. Otherwise, it is very hard to become successful. Therefore, if something goes wrong, stop complaining and start changing your life. It is impossible to become great if you don’t start moving towards your dream! In conclusion: Dream, learn, become a better person – and this life will help you succeed! Let’s translate today’s motivational quote together with LingoStar. Since the more translations we provide, the more people can read and understand it. Sometimes someone’s good words change people’s life. Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact us and send us your translation of the quote! Zig Ziglar’s Quote in English: You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Motivational Quote Translation into French: Vous n’avez pas à être grand pour commencer, mais vous devez commencer pour être grand. – Zig Ziglar Translation into Japanese: 何かを始めるのに最初からうまくできる必要はないが、卓越できるようまずは始めなければならない。- ジグ・ジグラー Motivational Quote Translation into Italian: Non devi essere eccellente per cominciare, ma devi cominciare per diventare eccellente. – Zig Ziglar Translation into Russian: Не нужно быть великим, чтобы начать, но нужно начать, чтобы быть великим. – Зиг Зиглар Motivational Quote Translation into Czech: Nemusíte být úžasní...
Jaroslav Dušek’s Motivational Quote Translation into English, French, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Slovak, and Ukrainian What do you feel when trees start blooming after a long cold winter? Do you feel happy and excited because you know that a new, amazing period of your life will start soon? Summer always brings joy and hope. Therefore, find summer in yourself. Don’t think about anything material – think about how wonderful it is when you discover something new in yourself and when you start blossoming, too. Keep going, keep growing, and this will bring you luck and success. Help us with our motivational quote translation. So let’s translate this beautiful quote together into as many languages as we can! Don’t hesitate to contact us. Try to be a translator! Adapted Quote of Jaroslav Dušek in Czech: Naším úkolem je rozkvést, ne něčeho docílit. (Jaroslav Dušek, upravený citát) Motivational Quote Translation into English: Our mission is to blossom, not to achieve anything. (Adapted quote by Jaroslav Dušek) Motivational Quote Translation into French: Notre mission est de nous épanouir, pas de accomplir quelque chose. (Citation adapté de Jaroslav Dušek) Motivational Quote Translation into Dutch: Ons doel is te bloeien en niet om iets te bereiken. (Aangepast citaat van Jaroslav Dušek) Translation into Italian: La nostra missione è crescere, non raggiungere qualcosa. (Citazione adattata da Jaroslav Dušek) Translation into Japanese: 私たちの使命は、成長していくことであり、何かを達成することではない。(翻案引用句 by Jaroslav Dušek) Translation into Russian: Наша миссия в том, чтобы расцветать, а не добиваться чего-либо. (Адаптированная цитата Ярослава Душека) Translation into Slovak: Našou úlohou je rozkvitnúť, nie niečo dosiahnuť. (Jaroslav Dušek, upravený citát) Translation into Ukrainian: Наша місія у тому, щоби розцвітати, а не добиватися...
Automotive Translation in Canada Why is automotive translation such an important field in the translation industry of Canada? The answer is quite simple: Canada is currently the tenth largest auto producer in the world, producing 2.1 million cars a year. Top ten – isn’t it impressive? A lot of foreign automakers have their plants in Canada. These include, for example, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Hino, Toyota, Honda, and many others. Therefore, the Canadian automotive industry is a major contributor to the Canadian economy, employing over half a million people. Moreover, a big number of international partners and clients all over the world make it essential for Canada to have highly developed, professional automotive translation services. Automotive Translation: What to keep in mind What exactly does an automotive translator work with? The range of automotive documentation is pretty wide. It includes technical documentation, various handbooks and catalogs. Furthermore, diagnosis and maintenance instructions, electronic databases, contracts and website texts. Manuals, for instance, describe vehicles in much detail. Very often manuals are huge documents, hundreds or even thousands pages long. Certainly, it would be perfect if a machine could translate such a beast. However, a lot of manuals are written in such a way that important terms and expressions are ambiguous and obscure for a machine. Therefore, professional translators with expertise in the automotive industry are in high demand. As there are a lot of repetitive segments in automotive texts, translation companies help their customers save their time and money by using translation memory systems and standardizing and activating the translation in cooperation with clients. Here at LingoStar, we are happy...
Inspirational Message Translation into Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian Today we want to say this one more time: never give up! Even if it seems that something goes wrong, don’t concentrate on the failure. Take a day off from all your problems and negative thoughts. Tomorrow it will be better because there is always room for a new plan and a new start! So, check out today’s inspirational message and help us translate it and share it with the world! If you speak a foreign language, don’t hesitate to send us your translation of this message or proofread the existing translations! Contact us today! The Inspirational Message in English: If plan ‘A’ didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters! The Inspirational Message Translation into Spanish: ¡Sí el plano “A” no funcionó, el alfabeto tiene 26 letras más! The Inspirational Message Translation into French: Si le plan “A” ne marche pas, il reste encore 25 lettres dans l’alphabet! The Inspirational Message Translation into Italian: Se il piano “A” non funziona, l’alfabeto ha altre 25 lettere! Translation into Russian: Если план “A” не сработал, в алфавите есть еще 32 буквы! Translation into Japanese: もしプランAがうまくいかなかったとしても、アルファベットはまだ残り25個もある! Translation into Czech: Pokud plán A nefungoval, existuje dalších 41 písmen v abecedě! Translation into Slovak: Ak nezafungoval plán A, ešte stále je tu ďalších 45 písmen abecedy! Translation into Ukrainian: Якщо план “А” не спрацював, в алфавіті є ще 32 літери! Here at LingoStar, we provide high-quality, professional translation, interpretation and localization services into over 100 languages. We cooperate with translators, voice-over talent, and many other language specialists all over the...
Vince Lombardi’s Motivational Quote Translation into German, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Japanese, Ukrainian, Spanish It is important to win, to achieve your goals, to be successful. However, what helps people become successful? Vince Lombardi gives you an answer: you need to WANT to win. Therefore, be positive, work harder, and you’ll be successful. Let’s make this list even longer! Don’t hesitate to contact us and send us translations of this motivational quote into languages you speak. The Motivational Quote in English: Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is. (Vince Lombardi) Motivational Quote Translation into Slovak: Vyhrať nie je všetko, ale všetkým je chuť zvíťaziť. (citát: Vince Lombardi) Motivational Quote Translation into Russian: Победа – это еще не все, главное – желание победить. (Винс Ломбарди) Quote Translation into Italian: Vincere non è tutto, ma voler vincere sì. (Vince Lombardi) Quote Translation into Japanese: 勝つことが全てではない。だが勝ちたいと思うことが大事なのだ。―ビンス・ランバルディ Quote Translation into Ukrainian: Перемога – це ще не все, головне – бажання перемогти. (Вінс Ломбарді) Quote Translation into German: Gewinnen ist nicht alles, aber der Wunsch dazu ist es. (Vince Lombardi) Quote Translation into Spanish: Ganar no lo es todo, pero querer ganar sí lo es. (Vince Lombardi) Quote Translation into French: Gagner n’est pas tout, mais l’effort qu’il faut fournir l’est. (Vince Lombardi) Here at LingoStar, we provide high-quality, professional translation, interpretation and localization services into over 100 languages. We cooperate with translators, voice-over talent, and many other language specialists all over the world. For more information, call us today at 604-629-8420 or send us an email at info@lingo-star.com. Photo by Abigail Keenan, taken from...