Dec 4, 2014 | Blog, SEO, Translation
Peculiarities of Game Localization Have you ever wondered why some foreign computer games are unpopular in your country, and others are hugely popular – and have even built up a cult following – so much so that people prefer playing the game to living their real life? Of course, some games are destined to be ‘international stars’ because of their high-quality content and graphic design. However this is often not enough: computer games also need to cross cultural boundaries and attract multiple target audiences like many books, films, TV shows, and websites do. Digital games are a global, multi-billion dollar industry, and many game producers and art directors, who are perfectly confident in local game releases, worry about foreign editions in non-native languages as it can influence the overall success of the product. For the game to achieve as much success abroad as it has achieved in the country of release, companies must employ localization, which is a complex process. Video game localization includes translation of text within the game (eg. characters’ dialogue, on-screen instructions, etc.), the game’s instruction manual, packaging, and promotional material. In addition, dialogue needs to be culturally adapted and voiced by native speakers of the target market in order to come across as authentic. However, many aspects of video game localization begin long before translation is actually needed. First, localizers need to decide where the game will be sold, and which languages it will be translated into. For example, localization might include a game developer’s decision not to invest in a Japanese localization as he or she can predict that the company will not benefit...
Dec 2, 2014 | Blog, SEO, Translation
How Does a Text-Based Medium Work? The link between texts on the Internet is far more obvious than it is for printed text, especially considering that direct links are often embedded right into the text. As users of the Internet, we are conscious that the amount of text we could find on any one subject is virtually unlimited. This abundance and the fact that they appear and are replaced so fast, added to the anonymity of the Internet (we rarely know who the author is) make the information contained in the texts appear less trustworthy than if they were found in print. Therefore, building credibility on the Internet is a major concern for Web content writers. Also, a webpage is read in a different manner than a sheet of paper. The user does not always read the content, but often just scans it. It has been shown that very little of the text on a web page is actually read and that the eyes often follow the same F-shaped directional pattern. Therefore, it is important to locate keywords strategically on the page. To attract and keep the user’s attention as long as possible, it is also efficient to emphasize keywords, to use lists and paragraphs, to write short texts and to stick to a simplified, factual style. In the last couple of decades we have seen the emergence of new forms of art (especially literature) using features of the Web. While it is obvious that taking advantage of the web by incorporating it into your business model is almost a necessity in this day and age to prosper, if...
Nov 27, 2014 | Blog, Translation
Translate Henry Ford’s Quote into Another Language Are you interested in applying your language skills and translating today’s positive business message? Or maybe you can proofread one of these existing translations? Make your contribution and share your knowledge. Enjoy being a translator! English Translation of Henry Ford’s Quote Whether you think you can succeed in your business, or you think you can’t, you’re right. (Adaptation of Henry Ford’s quote). Czech Translation of Henry Ford’s Quote Ať už si myslíte, že uspějete v podnikání, nebo si myslíte, že to nedokážete, v obou případech máte pravdu. (Adaptace citátu Henryho Forda). Slovak Translation of Henry Ford’s Quote Či si už myslíte, že môžete uspieť v podnikaní alebo, že to nedokážete, stále máte pravdu. (Adaptácia citátu Henryho Forda) Russian Translation of Henry Ford’s Quote Неважно, что вы думаете – можете вы достичь успеха в бизнесе или нет, – все равно вы правы. (Адаптация цитаты Генри Форда.) Dutch Translation of Henry Ford’s Quote Als je denkt, dat je een succesvolle ondernemer wordt, of als je denkt dat het niet zo is, je hebt altijd gelijk. (Adaptatie van een citaat van Henry Ford). Japanese Translation of Henry Ford’s Quote あなたがビジネスを成功できると思えば、できる。できないと思えばできない。どちらにしてもあなたが思ったことは正しい。(ヘンリー・フォードの引用の改変) German Translation of Henry Ford’s Quote Ganz gleich, ob sie denken sie können im Geschäft Erfolg haben oder sie können es nicht, sie haben recht. (Die Adaptation des Zitats von Henry Ford). Spanish Translation of Henry Ford’s Quote Tanto si piensas que puedes tener exito en tus negocios, como si piensas que no puedes, estás en lo cierto. (Adaptación de la cita de Henry Ford). Italian Translation of Henry Ford`s Quote Che crediate di...
Nov 27, 2014 | Blog, SEO, Translation
What Does It Mean to Be a Text-Based Medium? Written text is a very important means of communication on the Internet. Websites without written words are very rare, even impossible (if you consider the URL as being part of the website) to come across. The Internet has been at the origin of a revival of written forms of communication. Text is to be found everywhere on a web page: in the core of it (the message), in navigation tools (menus, links, banners, etc.) and even hidden in the programming code, which generally does not appear on the screen. E-mail has become the primary medium for communication in business (even if phone calls are still favored in some circumstances). Users find e-mailing functional because it is easy and quick, and because it does not require an immediate response from the recipient. Also, it has far more potential than telephone communication (attached files, links, multiple recipients, etc). Due to the Internet, words have acquired a great commercial importance. For example, they are used as keywords that help to reference a web page. These keywords will then be chosen by the user when he uses a search engine. They are also used as tags to classify articles within a blog. Another important use is on online shopping sites, especially when it comes to defining categories in a directory or tagging a product. Even if most users access websites through bookmarks or search engines, the choice of a URL remains a crucial investment for a commercial website. These are a few reasons why major websites often hire linguists to optimize their presence on...
Nov 25, 2014 | Blog, SEO, Translation
Socializing and Networking for Translators Many translators ask themselves: why should I socialize and network with other translators if I have clients and I am satisfied with my workload? The answer is that the translation industry is constantly growing and changing, and for every professional in this field it is essential to communicate with colleagues to keep track of events and grow with the industry. Networking helps people build relationships and gain trust. Due to networking, people exchange knowledge, experience, and ideas, and this generates new ideas and leads to progress. Social media opens a whole new world of networking opportunities: LinkedIn and Facebook, the two biggest professional platforms, let translators promote themselves, get support from their peers, and keep improving their professional skills. Research related to social networking by Pew Internet Project shows that Internet users get more support from their social ties, and Facebook users get the most support. By networking we mean not only being an active user of social media, but also attending events and conferences. Social media is a pretty abstract tool and it doesn’t always help to make a first impression. However, if you go to translation events or linguistic conferences, you are more likely to meet people who share your ideas and interests. Another way to network is to join a translators association, especially if you are working as a freelancer. For example, as a member of a translators association you can get good legal advice or support before signing a contract with a particular company or starting a new project that will monopolize all of your time. Some of these associations...
Nov 20, 2014 | Blog, SEO, Translation
Several Ways to Market Translation Services The Government of Canada’s Translation Bureau engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to conduct a benchmarking and comparative analysis study of the linguistic services industry in Canada and globally in 2012. The global language services industry is highly fragmented: there are a small number of large companies such as Bowne global solutions and Lionbridge which account for less than 5% of the worldwide market. The study demonstrated that today the global market includes over 25,000 organizations that offer different types of translations services, often in a limited geographic range. This means that the translation services market is getting more and more competitive each year, and to survive, translation agencies and independent translators need to pay strict attention to their marketing strategies. Independent translators need to be noticed, and one of the ways to do that is direct email. First, it is important to prepare a high-quality digital package that contains information about your education, mother tongue and language pairs, subject areas, translation/interpreting/voice-over skills, contact information, etc. Your documents have to be well organized, with references from clients if possible. Translators should contact as many translation agencies or companies as possible and say that you are available for work. Never forget about networking with people who work with foreign languages, translation, and international business, as they can help you find clients. Translation agencies, in turn, need to keep their websites current to attract customers and update the language list they are working with, how quick their service is, and their rates. It is also crucial to promote their services on social media as one of the key...