Anita Moorjani Quote Translation Every single person on this planet, in every single corner of this beautiful world, is an important part of something big and wonderful. Therefore, what happens in our lives and in the life of humanity is not just something random. It is supposed to be exactly like this. And all of us can make a contribution to make this world even better. So, let’s share this beautiful idea with as many people as possible! Help LingoStar translate today’s positive message or proofread the existing translations. Don’t hesitate to contact us and send us your quote translation. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Original Quote in English: Everything is exactly how it should be in the grand scheme of things. (by Anita Moorjani) Quote Translation into Czech: Vše je přesně tak, jak má být ve velkolepé souhře záměrů. (citát Anita Moorjani) Quote Translation into Japanese: 全ての事は、壮大な世界や人生の中でそうあるべきようになっている。(By アニータ・モージャニ) Translation into French: Tout est exactement comme il doit être dans le grand schéma des choses. (de Anita Moorjani) Translation into Russian : Все именно так, как и должно быть в общем порядке вещей. (Цитата Аниты Мурджани.) Translation into Slovak : Všetko je zariadené tak, ako má byť vo veľkolepej súhre zámerov. (citát Anita Moorjani) Translation into Ukrainian : Все саме так, як має бути у загальному порядку речей. (Цитата Аніти Мурджані.) Translation into Italian: Tutto è esattamente come deve essere nel grande schema delle cose. (di Anita Moorjani) Here at LingoStar, we have qualified translators in many different fields of specialization. They are not only proficient in different languages, but also concentrate on different cultures and specific dialects. They...
Qualities of a Good Translator Translation is one of the most interesting and important professions. Not only do translators convert a text from one language to another, but they also make cross-cultural communication possible. As a result, they eliminate cultural barriers and misunderstandings. To become a professional translator it is not enough to simply know two different languages. So what are the qualities of a good translator? First of all, a lot of translators work as freelancers and have to communicate with people. It is crucial for them to be highly respectful and to be able to pay close attention to their clients’ interests and needs. The ability to listen to what other people say helps translators do their job in the best way. Secondly, for a translator it is necessary to have project management skills. A language specialist who is working with a translation agency doesn’t usually face this problem. However, freelancers depend on themselves. They need to effectively manage their projects and meet the timeframes they have committed to. Thirdly, a translator must realize that too much work is not necessarily a good thing. Every translator needs to be honest about whether he/she is able to take on more projects. If translators feel they might possibly miss a deadline if they accept more projects, they should decline new jobs and focus on the work that they already have, so that they translate it professionally and to the highest quality. Here at LingoStar we help translators manage their time and projects so that they don’t miss deadlines and can provide flawless translations quickly. We cooperate with professional translators all...
What Do Translators’ Professional Ethics Include? Translation is more than just simply converting texts from one language to another. Specialists in any field have professional ethics to uphold, and translators are no exception. In their guide to obtaining credentials, NAATI, the national standards and accreditation body for translators and interpreters in Australia, list a number of general principles that every translator and interpreter should follow. For instance, these principles require professional translators to respect their clients’ right to privacy and confidentiality; disclose any real or perceived conflicts of interest; decline to undertake any work beyond their competence and level of accreditation; relay information accurately and impartially between parties, etc. Every organization of translators and interpreters has its own rules and regulations which members have to follow. For example, the Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (STIBC) has established principles for professionals in BC. These requirements say that members should not make misleading statements about their level of proficiency; they should respect all copyrights and other intellectual property rights. In addition, they cannot use their professional role to perform functions that lie beyond the scope of a language professional. Violation of these regulations can negatively affect not only the quality of their work, but also their future career. Furthermore, in today`s world of globalization, the concept of accountability is especially important in the career of a translator. Accountability means that translators and interpreters are responsible for the consequences of their behavior. Therefore, they need to think carefully about the decisions they make, both textual and non-textual. Finally, they also need to keep in mind that their choices can...
Translation of a Website and SEO: How Important Are They? Dear language friend, the holidays are here and the LingoStar team wishes you and yours all the best this holiday season! We hope that the upcoming celebrations bring joy, happiness, and love. We also hope that you enjoy this newsletter and find a lot of useful information regarding the translation of a website to help your business prosper in 2015. Have you ever wondered why certain websites immediately pop up in Google when you are searching for information, and others fall behind even though they contain more useful content? It is not just a random ranking. The way websites are ranked is a result of the work of web developers and language specialists. In today’s world of globalization, where websites play such an important role in business and communication, it is crucial to always improve your website, so that it meets the interests of the target audience. What makes websites successful and attractive for international communities is website translation. The company that invests in the translation of its website gains credibility and trust and draws clients’ attention. However, translation of a website isn’t as simple as it seems. To target a specific audience, companies should create a strategy for search engine optimization (SEO). This is a wonderful tool that helps websites become visible and more appealing to customers. Search engines like Google rank web pages, videos, and other content based on what it considers to be most relevant to users. When translating a website, it is not enough just to translate its content into other languages. To...
Funny Mistranslations When traveling, translation is important because it removes linguistic barriers and helps tourists get around. Quite often, people will notice funny mistranslations in their native language. Most of them are translations of signs in hotels, restaurants, and other public places where tourists spend time. Let’s laugh at a few examples! Note in the lobby of a Moscow hotel across from a Russian Orthodox monastery: “You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists, and writers are buried daily except Thursday”. Menu in a Swiss mountain inn: “Special today – No ice-cream”. Sign posted in Germany’s Black Forest: “It is strictly forbidden on our Black Forest camping site that people of different sex, for instance, men and women, live together in one tent unless they are married with each other for this purpose”. Some mistranslations have actually affected an entire country’s customs. For example, in Japan there is a beautiful Valentine’s Day tradition that started due to a mistranslation. In the fifties, chocolate companies began encouraging Japanese people to celebrate this day of love by giving their partner chocolates. However, a mistranslation stipulated that women should give chocolates to men. To this day, this is exactly what happens on February 14th! A single mistranslation created a whole new nice tradition which brings happiness to so many Japanese people. Men in particular! Just imagine how many wonderful mistranslations you can find not only travelling around the world, but also walking around your own neighbourhood. If you see some, or your country celebrates a custom because of a mistranslation, don`t hesitate to share them with...
Positive Message Translation to French, Spanish, German, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, and Japanese Christmas is getting closer and closer, and it is a perfect time to think about all the wonderful things and miracles that have happened in your life during the year. Yes, they were miracles indeed, not simple coincidences. Help LingoStar translate this beautiful message and share it with the world! Positive Message in English There are no coincidences, only miracles. Treat every day as your miracle and it will take you a step closer to happiness. French Translation of the Positive Message Il n’y a pas des coїncidences , seulement des miracles. Vis chaque jour comme ton miracle et il t’emmènera un pas plus près de la félicité. Czech Translation of the Positive Message Neexistují žádné náhody, jen zázraky. Považujte každý den za svůj zázrak a dostanete se o krůček blíže ke štěstí. Slovak Translation of the Positive Message Náhody neexistujú, každá náhoda je malý zázrak! Považujte každý deň za zázrak a dostanete sa o krôčik bližšie ku šťastiu. Russian Translation of the Positive Message Не бывает совпадений, есть лишь чудеса. Думайте о каждом дне как о чуде, и это на шаг приблизит вас к счастью. Japanese Translation of the Positive Message 偶然など存在しない。奇跡だけだ。毎日を奇跡としてとらえれば、幸せに一歩近づく。 German Translation of the Positive Message Es gibt keine Zufälle, es gibt nur Wunder. Halten Sie jeden Tag für ein Wunder, und es will Ihr Glück ein bisschen näher bringen. Spanish Translation of the Positive Message No existen las coincidencias, sólo los milagros. Trata todos los días como un milagro y te llevará un paso más cerca de la felicidad. Italian Translation of the...