Introducing The Future Of Translation

Introducing The Future Of Translation

New Technology in Translation Technology and with it the future as it was imagined in the 1980s is upon us more than ever in 2018. Two of the best examples are the Nike Air Mag and the Hoverboard, seen in the movie “Back to the Future”. Also seen in sci-fi movies, instant translation is more and more a reality. Here are some new technological innovations that can change our way of understanding a foreign language. Logbar – ili The “ili” is a little device from the Japanese-based company Logbar. Their technology only as big as your thumb, it is an instant translator that allows you to have a conversation with somebody that speaks another language. You talk through the device and it translates instantly to the person you are speaking to. The product contains its own OS (operating system) that allows the instant translation. In addition, it works without any internet connection and has its own dictionary. The device is mostly for travellers and only supports English, Chinese, and Japanese for now. Unsurprisingly, the device has already received an award from the CES (The International Consumer Electronics Show) in 2016 and was on pre-sale at a price of $199. It officially opened to the market in January 2018 at a price of $249. Logbar website To pre-order or order the product Watch: The story behind ili Waverly Labs – Pilot Translating Earpiece The Pilot Translating Earpieces are small earplugs that give you instant translation directly in your ears. The device promises you clear instant translation by using the latest in speech recognition technology to understand other languages. The first...
Free Certificated MOOCs everywhere!

Free Certificated MOOCs everywhere!

Can I study online for free? MOOCs are online classes that anyone can take on the internet. Before the internet, students could take classes remotely, meaning they did not attend the class in person. This was called “distance education”. The first ever distance education class was advertised in 1728 in The Boston Gazette. The ad read: a new method of learning – lessons mailed weekly. The professor was Caleb Phillips and he taught “Short Hand” which, indeed, was a method of abbreviated writing. Since then, people have not stopped finding innovative and convenient ways to learn. Although this started with limited participation mailed lessons, we now have ended up with Massive Open Online Courses. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are the latest trend in distance education and learning. What are “MOOCs”? MOOCs are online classes available to people everywhere through open access on the internet. In addition, participation is unlimited so any number of people can take the same class. They can be on almost any topic. MOOCs often provide interactive education modules. Some MOOCs are worth academic credits, but most are not. Some may offer a certificate upon completion, like for instance, computer literacy. What MOOCs can I take? MOOC options are almost unlimited. Nowadays, there are so many online classes that it might be difficult to decide what to take. Options vary from the basics of digital photography, or arts and crafts like carpentry, however, you will find more complex topics like psychology, medicine or even physics and chemistry. Where do I find MOOCs of interest? There are many websites that offer them. Here is a list...
These Free Online Language Courses will make your life easier!

These Free Online Language Courses will make your life easier!

Free Online Language Courses Are you interested in learning a new language?  Learning languages has never been easier: Free Online Language Courses are here to help you make your dream come true. When thinking about learning a new language, we usually make up a list of excuses not to. One of them is “I don’t have the time to go to a language school”. There is also “I do not have enough money to pay for it”. This may have been true years and years ago, but not now. Thanks to technology and the Internet, all languages are at our fingertips! We are now able to study languages for free, online, at our own speed, and as many as we want. Yes, it’s true! There are many free online language courses that you can look up before deciding on one. Here we made a list of the four most popular free online language courses. Read this information about the most popular and Free Online Language Courses: Website Pros Cons Languages Prices Duolingo Duolingo itself is free. Lessons go deep. Speaking, writing, listening and reading exercises are equally balanced in each lesson and each language. Good for long-term and committed learners. Mobile app and website offer the same. You can join clubs related to the language you are learning. Duolingo Plus, a more complete version of Duolingo, is paid. Fast conversational skills are not developed, so it is not good for tourists trying to pick the language up before traveling. There is no chat option to interact with native speakers. Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish,...
I want to immigrate to Canada. What should I do?

I want to immigrate to Canada. What should I do?

Useful tips on how to apply if you want to immigrate to Canada. Do you want to immigrate to Canada this year? There are several things to consider when immigrating to a new country. From booking plane tickets to arriving at your new “home”, there’s nothing more important than having legal status when you immigrate. It will give you benefits similar, or very close, to the ones held by citizens. How do I know what to do? To immigrate to Canada, first, you need to decide on a Province and check on the language they speak there. There are two official languages in Canada: French and English. If you speak either, or both of them, your immigration process will be easier. You will need to take a test to prove your language skills when applying for an immigrant visa. For more information on how to immigrate to Canada check the official website of the Canadian government. Are you relocating for work or moving to Canada on your own? If you want to immigrate to Canada for work, employers usually guide workers and/or help them with the relocation process. Companies who relocate workers to branches in other countries are more familiar with the immigration process. If this is your case, contact the corresponding department in your company. If you are immigrating on your own, then you should start by checking if you’re eligible to immigrate to Canada. What kind of visa does the Canadian government offer? To immigrate to Canda, you need to check on visas first. The Canadian government offers several types. The one you need depends on which...
Challenges of Moving Abroad

Challenges of Moving Abroad

Things you should know (and research about) beforehand Thinking of moving abroad can be scary for most people. To begin with, you don’t really know where to start. Also, you never know what’s coming ahead. Whether you are moving on your own, or for work, being organized and planning is a must to make your experience a good one. You should start by researching the country you are moving to. Keep reading to know our Challenges of Moving Abroad list. Why move abroad I am a Venezuelan-Italian woman. I lived in Venezuela most of my life, although I grew up exposed to the best of both cultures, languages, and traditions. Since I was little, my biggest dream was to live somewhere in Europe. Despite the fact that I grew up thinking of moving abroad, little did I know that moving to Switzerland would change my life so much. I did some research before moving there, but I went without a job or language training, so trying to start a new life in a new place was a real challenge! Things you should consider when moving abroad: Yes, moving abroad makes you feel out of place, without a safe ground, emotionally speaking, for quite a bit. Whether you are living on your own or moving with family or friends, the feeling of being alone accompanies you most of your day. Things get better as you settle. Use your free time to do something useful regarding your stay. Family and friends. Moving abroad means you leave your life, including family and friends, behind. Luckily, you can stay connected with them with all...
Latin American Halloween

Latin American Halloween

Latin American Halloween People around the world celebrate Halloween, although, it is not so popular in some places. For example, Latin American Halloween, is not as huge as it is in North America. Halloween is a holiday that many people in Latin America do not know a lot about. In the US and Canada, Halloween is the second most important holiday after Christmas. The traditions around Halloween include decorating houses, trick-and-treating, wearing costumes, and throwing parties. Contrary to the huge celebration in North America, the equivalent celebration in Latin America is very low profile. Except for some countries, in which these festivities have a strong spiritual meaning, like Mexico and Peru. Let’s learn in which Latin American Countries people celebrate Halloween and in which they do not. Time to party? Who celebrates Halloween? Halloween celebrations in Latin America have increased over the years. Lately, the nature of the celebration and traditions of American Halloween has been traveling to Latin America. In some places like Chile, Mexico, Panama, Bolivia, and Colombia, the celebration is similar to the one in North America. In these countries, people go around wearing costumes, asking for candy and partying.  They may even carve pumpkins and decorate their houses. These American Halloween traditions have invaded the last days of October in these Latin American countries. People, especially kids, enjoy these traditions and celebrations, and in particular, the candies that come with them. Despite this, Halloween as we know it is not yet part of Latin American culture. The celebration of Latin American Halloween is even smaller than the one for Valentine’s Day. Who doesn’t celebrate it?...