Enjoy Our New Positive Message Translation

Enjoy Our New Positive Message Translation

Photography by Robert Demeter Our New Positive Message Translation into French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Czech, Slovak, and Ukrainian Have you ever thought about sense of living? Why do we live our lives on this huge, lonely planet in the middle of nowhere? Maybe, there is no sense in this at all? Maybe, we just need to help each other feel loved and important in this life? Maybe, we just need to be happy and make everything we can to have no regrets when we are old and grey. As long as people on this planet share love, become friends, and inspire each other we can be absolutely sure that we are doing everything right. Be an example for the people around you, motivate them, help them improve and become better, make sure your life is inspiring! Help LingoStar translate this amazing message into different languages and share it with everybody! This life is so beautiful. Sometimes all we need is somebody to help us see this and not forget. Don’t hesitate to contact us and send your translations! We are looking forward to hearing from you! Positive Message in English: Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it is inspiring. Positive Message Translation into French: Ta vie est ton message au monde. Assures-toi que ce soit inspirant. Positive Message Translation into Italian: La tua vita è il tuo messaggio al mondo. Assicurati che sia d’ispirazione agli altri. Positive Message Translation into Russian: Ваша жизнь – это Ваше послание миру. Убедитесь в том, что оно вдохновляет. Positive Message Translation into Japanese: あなたの人生そのものが世界へのメッセージとなる。感動的なものにしよう。 Positive Message Translation into Slovak: Svojím...
Enjoy LingoStar’s New Positive Message Translations

Enjoy LingoStar’s New Positive Message Translations

Positive Message Translations into 7 Languages There is a very good expression which says that we should never, ever give up on our way to something we really want just because it is difficult to wait. Why? The answer is that it is even more difficult to regret having given up. That’s true. Maybe, it doesn’t sound very optimistic, but it is much better to fail knowing that you have done whatever you could than not to try at all. Nobody likes to fail. However, failure is not the end. On the contrary, it gives you a chance to start all over again and to avoid those mistakes that you have made before. Look at it from  a different angle and you will see that every single dream, every goal is worth trying and working hard. No one says it will be easy. But how fantastic you will feel when your goal is finally achieved. What we should do is to support, motivate, and inspire each other. Together we can make all our dreams come true! Don’t forget to inspire the people you love! Let’s share this beautiful message with as many people as possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us and send us your translations of today’s positive message. Good luck, friends! The Positive Message in English: If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan. But never the goal. The Positive Message Translation into French: Si le plan ne fonctionne pas, change le plan, jamais le but. The Positive Message Translation into Italian: Se un piano non funziona, cambia il piano, mai l’obiettivo. The Positive Message Translation into Russian:...
The Most Mysterious Manuscript in the World and its Translation

The Most Mysterious Manuscript in the World and its Translation

The Most Mysterious Manuscript in the World The world is full of secrets and mysterious things people cannot find adequate explanations for. Languages are not an exception. Today, there exist several manuscripts that linguists simply cannot translate! One of such texts is the Voynich manuscript which has become one of the most mysterious objects in history and can be found today in one of the libraries at Yale University. So what exactly is the Voynich manuscript? It is an illustrated codex handwritten in an unknown writing system which was discovered by a book dealer Wilfred M. Voynich outside of Rome in 1912. This unique book that the world’s best cryptographers and linguists have been trying to decipher for decades dates back to 15th century (or even 13th, as many scientists believe). This book is 235 pages long, full of coloured images of astrological charts, different plants, and living cells that look as if they were observed with the help of a microscope. Who wrote it? Some lost civilization? Was it human beings that created the book? Therefore is there any message that we cannot understand? What Became The Most Mysterious Manuscript Today many scholars are working on this book, and they argue about its possible origins. For instance, Stephen Bax, professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Bedfordshire, claims that he managed to decipher some words. His main goal was to focus on the proper names in the text – the method used for successful deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs. So, he has deciphered such proper names as Taurus, Coriander, Cotton, Juniper, Centaurea, Chiron, Hellebore Nigella Sativa, and Kesar....
‘Hamlet’ Translation: The Great Play in West Africa

‘Hamlet’ Translation: The Great Play in West Africa

Hamlet Translation for West African Tribal Elders One of the questions which many scholars have been trying to answer is whether people from different corners of the world share the same ideas and have the same values despite their cultures and languages. This subject was raised by anthropologists, philosophers, linguists and translators. One of these translators is Laura Bohannan, who translated Shakespearean Hamlet for a group of West African tribal elders. According to Bohannan just before she left Oxford, she protested that human nature is the same over the world and that the general plot and motivation of great tragedies will be clear everywhere. To translate the tragedy for the elders she had to take into account many cultural nuances; for example, the notion of ghosts does not exist in the culture of those tribes as they do not believe in the post-death survival of people. That is why the concept of ghosts became an omen sent by a witch to their culture. After the play was performed, the chiefs discussed it and disagreed on several moments. For instance, they thought that Hamlet had no right to investigate the reasons of his father’s death as it was his uncle’s business. One more thing that they noticed was that Claudius had to marry Gertrude in order to protect his family patrimony, etc. These examples demonstrate that not all cultures share the same assumptions. Hamlet turned out to be very exotic for West African tribes, and only certain moments were clear to them. If you are looking for a reliable translation agency to have your document translated into a language that...
Check Out LingoStar’s New Positive Message Translation

Check Out LingoStar’s New Positive Message Translation

Photo by Robert Demeter, taken from  http://www.robertdemeterphotography.com/ Positive Message Translation into Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, Czech, Slovak, and Ukrainian The easiest thing to do is to say that you cannot do anything. ‘I just can’t…’ How many times have you heard or said it? Have you ever tried to prove you wrong and actually DO it! LingoStar team believes that there are no impossible things to do. All that you are required to do is to start working! Certainly, great success doesn’t come to people who say they can’t; it comes to those who work hard to say ‘I could, and I did it!’. Don’t be afraid of anything because fear doesn’t help us become better and stronger. Don’t focus on problems and remember: every problem can be solved. Have hopes, have dreams, have plans, and they will motivate you! We hope you will enjoy this week’s positive message and help LingoStar translate it into more languages. We are very happy to receive your translations and add them to the list. Don’t hesitate to contact us. Let’s have fun together! The Positive Message in English: When you focus on problems, you’ll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities. The Positive Message Translation into French: Si te concentres sur les problèmes, tu n’auras que plus de problèmes. Si, au contraire, tu te concentres sur le possibilités, tu auras plus de opportunités. The Positive Message Translation into Italian: Se ti concentri sui problemi, avrai solo più problemi. Se, invece, ti concentri sulle possibilità, avrai più opportunità. The Positive Message Translation into Russian: Как только вы сосредоточитесь...
Do Successful Translations of Our Favourite Sitcoms Exist?

Do Successful Translations of Our Favourite Sitcoms Exist?

Successful Translations of Sitcoms Successful translations are extremely important when it comes to written text of scientific genre. This is true: all kinds of written material are problematic. It is important to find the right equivalents for the unique terminology and to make the translation clear and adequate. However, what usually makes even very good translators struggle is humor. If you are a native English speaker, you are lucky enough to watch the world’s most popular sitcoms such as Seinfeld, Friends, or The Big bang Theory in the original language and to be able to enjoy all the creative jokes. But, some people don’t speak English at all, and nevertheless they somehow manage to fall in love with these shows. This is a sign of successful translation and localization. Certainly, it is not a big problem to translate universal jokes that are clear out of the context and will sound almost the same in every language. But, what about linguistic and cultural jokes? For instance, when one of the main characters of Friends, Phoebe, gets married (season 10, episode 12), she doesn’t want to put anything on top of her light wedding dress, although they have an outside wedding, and it is freezing cold. So her friend, Chandler, asks her if she won’t get cold, and Phoebe replies: ‘I don’t care. I’ll be something blue’. There is no need to explain the meaning of this joke for people of the culture where it is a tradition for a woman to have something new, something blue, and something borrowed on when they get married. However, some cultures just do not have this...