Now It Has Hit Nepal Too Indonesia, China, Haiti, Japan, just to name a few, and now Nepal. Two quakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.3 have struck Nepal in the last 3 weeks, killing more than 8,000 people and leaving several other thousands injured or homeless. Humanitarian organizations are already on the field doing all they can to heal the injured, feed and give shelter to the population with no place to go, recover bodies from the rubble and make reconstruction plans. Why the Role Of Translation Is so Crucial in the Areas Hit By the Earthquake When a disaster strikes, no one usually thinks about the need for linguistic aid. Why would you need translators when people are dying? You need doctors! Fair enough. But have you ever wondered how the communication between doctor and patient occurs? How does a Nepali father explain to a rescue worker who only speaks English that his child is in need of help in a certain place and needs to be rescued? These people are afraid, lost and destabilized. In addition, foreigners unable to speak their language surround them and they can’t communicate with them even if they absolutely need to. How must that feel? Translation has the crucial role of enabling mutual understanding and supporting the aid organizations as well as the Nepali media and communication channels to act quickly and efficiently. Translators Without Borders has sent a team of 25 people to the affected areas of Nepali, Newari, and Hindi for translation work. This kind of rescue work lacks in funds and is far from being the most advantageous job....
Victoria Day: One Holiday, Ten Different Names Ready for the long weekend? Do you know what we celebrate on Monday? At LingoStar Language Services, we found 10 different names for the very same holiday, in Vancouver called Victoria Day, and we are bringing you the explanation for every single one. Take inspiration and enjoy your free time and beautiful weather on this great Canadian holiday. Victoria Day Queen Victoria, who reigned over Great Britain, was born on May 24, 1819. Victoria Day Weekend This celebration marks the birthday of Queen Victoria and is celebrated every year on the last Monday before May 25. May Two-Four A “two-four” is slang for a case of 24 beers, and since the Victoria Day Weekend often ends up including the date May 24th, well, the “May Two-Four” is that weekend where you have an extra day to drink, or to recover. The Start of Camping Season Camping season in Canada runs from Victoria Day (third Monday in May) until Labour Day (first Monday in September). Unofficial Beginning of Summer In the hopes that the frost is really over, many people break out the gardening gloves and get dirty on Victoria Day weekend. May Long Weekend This is pretty self-explanatory. Sometimes abbreviated to just “May Long”. Firecracker Day Fireworks on the holiday Monday is a Canadian tradition. People usually go to fireworks displays put on by their local towns or cities, or set their own off in their backyard or neighbourhood parks. May Run Why is this weekend called “MAY RUN”? In a Facebook discussion, someone thinks that it is a combination of some species...
Queen Elizabeth Shares her Baby Joy and We Provide the Translation of her Quote into Several Languages: “Yes, we love to have another girl.” — Queen Elizabeth Translation into Albanian: Jemi të lumtur për ardhjen e një vajze tjetër. Translation into Arabic: نعم نحن سعداء بالحصول علي طفلة أخري Translation into Bulgarian: Радваме се, че имаме още едно момиченце в семейството. Translation into Croatian: Drago nam je što imamo još jednu djevojčicu. Translation into Czech: Ano, jsme rádi, že máme další holčičku. Translation into Dari: ما دوست داریم یک دختر دیگر داشته باشیم Translation into French: Oui, on est ravi d’avoir une autre fille. Translation into German: Ja, es freut uns sehr, noch ein Mädchen in der Familie zu haben. Translation into Goun: E vivi nan mi na mi so do ovi yon’si devo Translation into Greek: Χαιρόμαστε πολύ που έχουμε ακόμα ένα κορίτσι στην οικογένεια. Translation into Gujarati: અમને એક બીજી છોકરી હોવાનો આનંદ છે. Translation into Hebrew: אנחנו שמחים שיש לנו ילדה נוספת. Translation into Hindi: हमे एक और लड़की होने की बेहद ख़ुशी है। Translation into Italian: Sì, siamo felicissimi di avere un’altra bambina. Translation into Indonesian: Kami merasa bahagia memiliki bayi perempuan lagi. Translation into Korean: 우리는 또 다른 소녀를 가졌으면 해요 Translation into Kurdish: خؤشحالين بة لةدايكبووني كجيَكي ترمان Translation into Latvian: Mēs priecājamies par vēl vienu meiteni. Translation into Lithuanian: Džiaugiamės dar viena mergaite. Translation into Macedonian: Milo ni e što imame ušte edno devojče vo semejstvoto Translation into Norwegian: Vi er veldig glade for å ha en jente til i familien. Translation into Pashto: موږ مینه لرو یوه بله جلی ولرو Translation...
Embarrassing Welsh Mistranslation The supermarket owned by the company Tesco in the UK seems to have bitten off more than they can chew with their attempt to branch out to the Welsh speaking local customers with their embarrassing translation of the text on their cash point machine in Aberystwyth into Welsh. Obviously unaware, the company had actually translated their text saying “free cash withdrawals” to “free erections”. This was embarrassing for the company and caught the attention of many Welsh speakers in the area. The Welsh translation reads “codiad am ddim” which translates to “free erection”. Some locals found the mistake amusing, while others were astonished at how poor of a quality translation the company used. A young man Garin Fitter, 18, elaborated on this after seeing the translation in person. “I am not sure how they came up with it because anyone with a basic understanding of Welsh would know it is the wrong word. “They must have used Google translate. I think it’s quite funny but I know some people might be offended they didn’t bother to check they had got it right.” Evidently, Tesco failed to take into account the ramifications that a poor-quality translation truly could have on their brand image. Although free translation services may be enticing for such a small piece of text, you can see just how detrimental even the mistranslation of a few words can truly be to a company’s reputation. This is why you need to take all of your translations to a reputable professional translation agency, no matter how big or small the translation is. Got Any Stories as Embarrassing?...
Anita Moorjani Quote Translation Every single person on this planet, in every single corner of this beautiful world, is an important part of something big and wonderful. Therefore, what happens in our lives and in the life of humanity is not just something random. It is supposed to be exactly like this. And all of us can make a contribution to make this world even better. So, let’s share this beautiful idea with as many people as possible! Help LingoStar translate today’s positive message or proofread the existing translations. Don’t hesitate to contact us and send us your quote translation. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Original Quote in English: Everything is exactly how it should be in the grand scheme of things. (by Anita Moorjani) Quote Translation into Czech: Vše je přesně tak, jak má být ve velkolepé souhře záměrů. (citát Anita Moorjani) Quote Translation into Japanese: 全ての事は、壮大な世界や人生の中でそうあるべきようになっている。(By アニータ・モージャニ) Translation into French: Tout est exactement comme il doit être dans le grand schéma des choses. (de Anita Moorjani) Translation into Russian : Все именно так, как и должно быть в общем порядке вещей. (Цитата Аниты Мурджани.) Translation into Slovak : Všetko je zariadené tak, ako má byť vo veľkolepej súhre zámerov. (citát Anita Moorjani) Translation into Ukrainian : Все саме так, як має бути у загальному порядку речей. (Цитата Аніти Мурджані.) Translation into Italian: Tutto è esattamente come deve essere nel grande schema delle cose. (di Anita Moorjani) Here at LingoStar, we have qualified translators in many different fields of specialization. They are not only proficient in different languages, but also concentrate on different cultures and specific dialects. They...
Dear Language friend, For the first Newsletter of the year 2014, we’re going to talk about a topic that concerns everyone: Body language. Body language is almost as important as spoken language. Although it is non-verbal, it says a lot about you and how you feel! Body language includes facial expressions, gestures, or even the tone of your voice. Most of the time, all of these elements will have a major impact on your professional life, your business relationships, and can make, or break your success. However, it is not as easy as it seems to know all of the variations of body language, as you can find different interpretations of it in different countries. This is why in this month’s newsletter, we will talk about the significance of body language in different countries and cultures, and how it affects your business and professional life. Read on! Contributed by Sophie and Nico Body Language and Crucial differences What kind of body language you use depends on your individual cultural background and upbringing. However, it is even more important to know about different types of body language than about the actual language. A wrong interpretation of body language can be quite dangerous or even life threatening. It is especially important if you want to develop a business relationship with companies from other countries, as only a slight misinterpretation could lead to considerable damage. For this reason, you should know about some crucial differences between cultures. For example, did you know that shaking hands is considered impolite in Japan and is replaced by a bow? The depth of the bow shows...