How to Subtitle Videos in YouTube – Foreign Subtitles – April Newsletter

How to Subtitle Videos in YouTube – Foreign Subtitles – April Newsletter

How to subtitle videos in YouTube – LingoStar’s April Newsletter Do you want to know how to subtitle videos in YouTube? This month’s newsletter focuses on how to get a better understanding of how subtitling works and how this practice can help you go worldwide. At LingoStar, we have worked hard trying to provide you with information and tips on how to get started with subtitling your own videos. Also, April was a month full of special calendar dates. It started with April Fools’ Day followed by Easter and it ended with English and Spanish Language Days. At LingoStar, we commemorated each of those dates with a special social media post. We have created a newsletter that, we hope, will interest you and help you understand how subtitling works. Enjoy! READ THIS NEWSLETTER >> Furthermore, learn about closed captions vs. embedded subtitles, review our YouTube subtitling tutorial, or listen to Frozen’s Let It Go in 25 languages! Discover fun facts about Denmark 🇩🇰, Brazil 🇧🇷, Mexico 🇲🇽, and other countries featured on our Instagram account. Enjoy our April 2021 newsletter filled with language-related tips, events, and...
Black History Month & Black Women in France – March Newsletter

Black History Month & Black Women in France – March Newsletter

Black History Month Focus and the Current Status of Women of Colour in France Do you want to learn more about women of colour in France? This month’s newsletter is packed with news and resources about Black History Month. Also, review a wide range of translation projects that we’ve been working on along with revamping our Instagram account. March has also been full of special calendar dates to commemorate and celebrate. Firstly, black history was recognized and celebrated in Canada in February and we keep the conversation going on LingoStar’s social media. Secondly, March was about gender equality while celebrating Women’s Day on March 8th. Lastly, March was a month filled with French events for International French Language Day. We hope you find this month’s issue interesting! Enjoy! READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
How a Language Influences Culture – February Newsletter

How a Language Influences Culture – February Newsletter

How a Language Influences Culture and Identity The language industry is buzzing with activity! With so many interesting news stories, it was challenging to select just a few of them. International Mother Language Day guided this month’s theme. This special day reminded us of how a language influences our culture, defines us, and of the importance to preserve and transmit one’s cultural and linguistic heritage for the survival of future generations. With this in mind, in this edition, we bring you a selection of news articles, and our own social media and blog posts, such as our blog post about Variations in written Canadian, American and British English. We hope you will enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed selecting them for you! READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
Canadian English Language Focus – January Newsletter

Canadian English Language Focus – January Newsletter

Explore the Canadian English Language Variety – January Newsletter 2021 is now well under way and it’s fair to say it’s not exactly the start we would have liked. But we remain positive and we look forward to better days to come.The economic and health conditions remain volatile and uncertain for the time being. But the one thing we know for sure is how important our mental wellbeing is. We will continue to share with you news related not only to our industry and our projects but also how to stay healthy mentally and physically. As we look at how the translation industry is changing, a new year also brings new resolutions. In this newsletter, you will for example learn a lot about the history of the Canadian English language. So it’s time to plan ahead, as we give you a glimpse of what lies ahead and what to look forward to this year.Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to a flourishing partnership with our loyal and new followers, clients and suppliers in 2021! READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
Translation Services in Canada – An Interview with the CEO of LingoStar

Translation Services in Canada – An Interview with the CEO of LingoStar

Experiencing Different Languages and Cultures: An interview with Lenka de Graafova, CEO of LingoStar Language Services Vancouver, Canada We recently interviewed Lenka de Graafova, M.A., CEO and Managing Director and owner of LingoStar Language Services Inc., who told us why she decided to provide translation services in Canada and set up her own agency in Vancouver, and what her experience of languages and cultures around the world has been like. Who is Lenka de Graafova, M.A.? In addition to being the director of LingoStar Language Services, Lenka de Graafova is a lover of world cultures and languages. Together with her team of multilingual writers, she regularly posts articles on foreign languages and cultures on social media. She is also an expert in creating websites in foreign languages and wrote the ebook How to make money online, not just in Czech in 2016. She is now about to release a brand new series of Localization Guides and the Beginner’s Guide to Multilingual Website Translation in English, published for the North American market. You can also download her free ebook for a quick overview of what to expect >> How to expand your online business – An Introduction Guide to Multilingual Website Translation. Lenka, you’ve been living in Canada for some time now. What brought you to Canada? I have lived in Canada for 16 years now.  I’m originally from the Czech Republic. The desire to experience life on the other side of the world brought me here. I studied translation in the Netherlands and the UK and I wanted to experience everyday life in an English-speaking country. My goal was...
COVID-19 Translation: Help with Multilingual Communications

COVID-19 Translation: Help with Multilingual Communications

How LingoStar can help you with your COVID-19 translation needs First of all, we hope that you, your family and colleagues continue to keep safe and well during this challenging time. As we move towards a progressive deconfinement, please continue to refer to general information from the Canadian Government to ensure your safety. We want you to know that we have worked throughout this pandemic, as many of our translators and editors traditionally work remotely from ‘home’. This is how we usually operate in the freelance translation world. Therefore, we were already compliant with the social distancing recommendations, which minimized the infection risk among our employees and translators. We continue to be fully available for any COVID-19 translation needs. How can a translation company fight COVID-19? We understand that many businesses around the world need to update their clients, colleagues, employees, business partners, and so on. Our desire has never been to profit from this crisis but to help promote information. So, feel free to reach out to us with any translation needs related to the communication of any information regarding COVID-19. Whether it is a translation or a voice-over, we’ll be happy to help you spread your multilingual message in Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, Korean, German, Farsi, and more. We have already translated numerous company memos and announcements for our clients. Ask for help with coronavirus translations We know that your messages need to reach many people fast. Therefore, we work around the clock to make sure your translation needs are fulfilled. Our rush fees for COVID-19 related translations continue to be waived. Of course, we are also...
Vancouver Arabic Translator

Vancouver Arabic Translator

Vancouver-based Arabic translator Jim-Ryan in an interview with LingoStar About the translation industry and the challenges of Arabic translations Arabic is the third most spoken language after English and French by the number of countries in which it is spoken, the fifth most spoken language by the number of native speakers, and sixth most spoken language by the total number of speakers, both native speakers and second-language speakers included. These numbers clearly indicate that the Arabic language is important worldwide. This led us to invite our Arabic translator Jim-Ryan to do an interview about the challenges of Arabic translations, the characteristics of the Arabic language, and the translation industry in general. We met passionate Arabic translator Jim-Ryan, who has cooperated on translations with LingoStar since 2010, in a café in Vancouver. 2010 was also the year in which his translation career began. Born in Syria, his native language is Arabic. Having lived in France and French-speaking Canada for several years, he became fluent in French as well. However, with English as his second language he mainly translates from English into Arabic these days. He told us that languages have always been a passion for him, although the translator job is not even his main career choice: Jim-Ryan is also an actor. So, we started by talking about his first job for LingoStar – a translation of a script. It turned out that he had also auditioned with a film company for parts of the script that he had translated. Jim-Ryan pointed out that it was challenging to experience both the actor’s approach and translator’s approach to the text. That’s...
Getting married at a castle – an article in the Czech language about European castles and love

Getting married at a castle – an article in the Czech language about European castles and love

Láska jako trám aneb svatba na zámku Léto je období svateb. Lidé v zimě o svatbě přemítají, na jaře svatbu plánují a v létě se konečně vezmou! Už jste si to sami zažili? Je to krásný čas. Česká a Slovenská republika jsou jak stvořené pro romantickou svatbu. Ani Google narychlo a zběžně neví, kolik krásných zámků Česko a Slovensko skýtá, ale UNESCO už je na tom lépe. A tak se zamilovaní novomanželé mohou brát a fotit například v Českém Krumlově, na Hluboké, v Kroměříži, Lednici nebo na Zelené Hoře. Na Slovensku pak svatebčany okouzlí majestátní zámek Bojnice nebo Spišský hrad. Můžete být kým chcete, stačí si vybrat místo, které vás okouzlí svou historií a šarmem, a právě takové kouzelné místo českého či slovenského kraje vaší lásce dodá báječnou a slavnostní atmosféru. Svatba je většinou vyvrcholením partnerského vztahu a závazek obou lidí k vzájemné podpoře na cestě životem. Ale každý člověk může v budoucnu svůj vztah a partnera vnímat jinak. Pojďme se tedy podívat na vztahy a společné soužití přes klíčovou dírku zámeckých dveří.   Zámek Bojnice, Slovenská republika, © Partnerský vztah jako lekce Při svatbách se většinou hovoří o vzájemné toleranci, úctě a pochopení. Ovšem často s postupem času vyjde najevo, že ani jeden z partnerů dobře neví, jak s takovými velkými slovy naložit v partnerském vztahu a hlavně, jak žít tak, aby se tolerance, úcta a pochopení odrazily v každodenním životě. Život a společné soužití vám poskytne dostatek příležitostí uvést tato slova do praxe. Každý vztah je totiž lekce, jakou se musíme naučit, pochopit a vzít si z ní ponaučení do budoucnosti. Všichni si vybíráme lidi, partnery a situace v našich životech,...
Your story can be here!

Your story can be here!

Share Your Story With LingoStar!  We are always looking for unique life stories to showcase to the linguistic community. If you have any interesting experiences travelling abroad, unique cultural encounters, or even just a time you found yourself lost in translation, we want to hear about it!  Don’t hesitate to share your life stories with us and email them to...