How do you select your translators? Do you work with specialized translators?

Our translators are selected based on their experience, education and professionalism. They also undergo translation tests in their area of expertise. Our database includes translators in all fields of expertise, including but not limited to the following: Advertising/Marketing, Art/Literature, Automotive, Business/Commerce, Computer – Software/Hardware, Computer –Systems/Networks, Engineering – Industrial Engineering – Mechanical, Environment/Ecology, Farming/Fisheries, Film/Cinema, Finance/Accounting, Food Production/Packaging, Forestry, Government Publications, Information Technology (IT), Insurance, Legal/Law/Contracts, Manufacturing, Media/Multimedia, Medical/Pharmaceutical, Mining/Geology, Research/Education, Technical/Manuals, Travel/Tourism We will match your specific technical requirements with the best qualified...

How do I make a payment for translation services?

Payment can be made online with a credit card or PayPal account, by corporate cheque or by bank transfer (contact us for bank details). For ONLINE PAYMENT: 1) Go to and click on the ‘Paypal’ button on the left-hand side of the home page. 2) Under ‘Your Order Summary’, enter amount to pay in ‘Item Price’ and click ‘Update’. ***Please note that an online fee of 3.3% may apply. ***Please check your quote for the total amount due 3) You will be given the option to log in to your Paypal Account, or if you don’t have one, you can choose ‘Pay with a debit or credit card’. 4) Enter your credit card information in the appropriate fields and click‘Review Order and Continue’. 5) Kindly advise us via email once payment is made to ensure that your payment is received. For CHEQUE PAYMENT: Please make cheque payable to LingoStar Language Services Inc. and mail to: LingoStar Language Services Inc. 6491 12th Avenue, Burnaby, BC V3N 2J4 Canada Please note that we cannot initiate your translation project until the signed quote or payment is received. For this reason, many choose to pay online so that their payment can be processed...

When is payment due?

Payment is due upon project confirmation. We understand that payment processing may take longer than the time allowed to meet your deadline and/or an invoice may be required to begin the process. Please contact us to discuss payment terms and deadlines if this is an...