Translation and Localization – August Newsletter

Translation and Localization – August Newsletter

Summer is the best time of the year to take a break and travel the world. Of course, when we think about traveling, we think about the language we need to know, but there’s more to it than that. Going to another country means experiencing another culture, so we’ve decided to focus this month’s newsletter on translation and localization. But what exactly is localization? How does it differ from translation? Scroll down and you’ll find several articles on the subject. You can also read about the different types of localization in our blog post Translation Localization: Translating for Global Markets. As always, don’t miss our curiosities about countries and national days and events. Keep scrolling to keep learning! READ OUR NEWSLETTER...
Professional Translation Strategies – July Newsletter

Professional Translation Strategies – July Newsletter

When we read a text or watch a video that has been translated or dubbed, we focus only on the end product. Have you ever thought about how professional translation is involved in all that? But if we pause for a moment to think about the process that led to that final product, we might appreciate it more. At LingoStar, we value the dedication of our translators. That is why this month’s newsletter focuses on professional translation and the techniques and strategies used to achieve it. In our blog post, Why working with professional translators is worth its weight in gold, you’ll learn about the six key qualities that make a qualified translator a highly skilled professional. Our newsletter also includes special calendar events and much more! For ongoing fun facts on culture and languages, check out our Instagram page >>. READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
Project Managers – June Newsletter

Project Managers – June Newsletter

Behind every great success is great teamwork. For us, that would be our project managers. Our blog post, Translation Project Management – How To Handle Multilingual Translations, picks the brain of our CEO and Managing Director, Lenka de Graafova, M.A. Lenka shares her point of view on the essential skills needed to be a successful translation project manager and her experience working in the Canadian translation field. If you thought that project management was just those human stress balls rolling around the office chasing deadlines, then you are absolutely correct. Explore the brain of project managers with us this month! Caution: Find a loud corner. Laughter is an absolute requirement! Don’t forget to check out our culture corner and our Instagram page for interesting facts on countries around the world. Where is curiosity taking us this week? READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
Project Management Workflow – May Newsletter

Project Management Workflow – May Newsletter

Wondering about project management workflow? Well, look no further. It’s been a  very busy month here at LingoStar! So naturally, we are inviting you for a sneak peek at the project management workflow process required to keep our engine oiled and running. Take a look at what it takes to manage and tackle our huge workload in our blog post translation agencies and project management. From a step-to-step outline to general rules and guidelines to help you navigate your translation tasks easier. If you are a skeptic of translation companies, let us convince you. Hiring LingoStar’s professionals for your translations is better than freelancers. Our blog will further convince you that our expertise and reach in the language community is the better option for your buck. Project managers: how to know if your expertise can translate into the language field? Our blog will put your mind at ease if you are debating whether your management skillset is transferable to the translation field. Find out if you are eligible for an exciting career change! As a matter of fact, join us for a fun-filled adventure into the project management world! Take a crash course on the fundamentals of project management with Rhona. Let her take you on a tour of the project management world. Learn about her key terms, common techniques, and lifecycles and methodologies in her youtube video. Moreover, find out what works for you and your team in terms of project management styles, navigate your way around software, use tools effectively, and avoid burnout. And as always, don’t miss out on our cultural tour where we take you...
Will AI Take Over Human Translation? – April Newsletter

Will AI Take Over Human Translation? – April Newsletter

ChatGPT has given people a lot to talk about lately. The more time passes, the more people fear that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will take over the world. But is this really happening? We’re tackling this topic, and how it relates to translation in this month’s newsletter to give you an overview of what’s going on in the world of machine translation. In our blog post on how recent AI developments influence the language industry, you’ll read about recent AI developments related to interlingual translation in conjunction with the creation of chatbots such as ChatGPT and Bard. 💬 The debate about chatbots is quite controversial: some people think this is an outstanding breakthrough in AI technology, while others worry that this will be the downfall of societal structures, for example the educational system and its young disciples. Last but not least, don’t miss out on our usual cultural weeks and international days. READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
Cinema and Translation – March Newsletter

Cinema and Translation – March Newsletter

Multilingualism seems to be the norm these days. With a growing number of bilinguals in the world, it is not surprising that the world of cinema includes bilingual if not multilingual members. In fact, some celebrities speak as many as seven languages! Impressive, isn’t it? Our blog post The Role of Translation in Audiovisual Productions and Bilingual Actors explores the importance of translation in cinema and audiovisual productions. These productions have undergone significant changes since their initial introduction. 🎞️ Tag along as fawn over the creative world of cinema and its talented artists who probably did not even strike you as multilingual. Join us this week to satisfy our international cultural curiosity as we hobble our way to Ireland for their infamous St Patrick’s Day. All this and more in our newsletter! Just keep scrolling! READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
Language and Personality – February Newsletter

Language and Personality – February Newsletter

Have you ever wondered why your behaviour changes when you speak different languages? If you’re bilingual or polyglot, you probably already know.  You are not the same person when you’re speaking your native language versus your acquired language(s). This is because language and personality are interconnected. At LingoStar, our passion extends to all things language, which is why we are taking you on this exploratory journey with us. Find out how interconnected languages are to your personality in our blog post Personality and Language: What Links Them? Read the testimonials of people who have experienced different behaviour patterns when they switch languages. And of course, don’t forget to tag along with our very own curious curator as we curry our way to India for this month’s cultural curiosity. 🍛 All this and more in our February newsletter! Keep scrolling! READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
Translators Worldwide – January Newsletter

Translators Worldwide – January Newsletter

The first issue of this year’s January newsletter about translators worldwide zeroes in on our industry’s most fluent asset: the translator. Translators worldwide featured in our January Newsletter work with an array of skills and tools to perfect their crafts, making them global resources to any business adventuring outside unilingualism. Have you ever wondered what life would be without translators? Every day, we find ourselves reading, watching, and consuming content from all over the world, but if we stop and think for a second, we would realise how reliant the world is on the ability to understand each other despite the language barrier. The art of translation in a nutshell. Our blog post, How Translators Worldwide Improve Our Lives, elaborates on the role of translators and how they impact our lives. The video and articles below further demonstrate the importance of translators and interpreters, especially as the world progresses towards globalisation. Take a look at our project section to learn more about the expansive area of expertise Lingostar and its translators specialises in. This and a lot more in this month’s newsletter! Keep scrolling! READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
Christmas Presents – December Newsletter

Christmas Presents – December Newsletter

Christmas is in the air, and we can all feel it!🎄Are you done with getting your Christmas presents? Celebrated around the world in different forms and traditions, this holiday season is an opportunity to gather with family and friends. The race to get everyone’s Christmas presents to mark the occasion is inevitable and can sometimes be quite tricky! Running out of gift ideas for your children? LingoStar suggests trying for a multilingual toy! Our blog post, Multilingual Toys Under the Christmas Tree, highlights the importance of learning another language and its benefits of starting to do so from an early age. Indulge in our fascination this month with articles, videos, and, of course, our newsletter on promoting multilingualism in children through toys. Finishing up, this week’s cultural curiosity is taking us to Finland. This and lots more, you only have to keep on scrolling through our newsletter to find out! READ THIS NEWSLETTER...
The Black Friday Dilemma – November Newsletter

The Black Friday Dilemma – November Newsletter

Black Friday has been a worldwide tradition for a long time now. There is only one aim on that day: buy as much as you can, whether you need it or not! However, the consumerism encouraged on this day has started to make a few enemies. As a result, some people have created the “Buy Nothing Project”, where, if you want to get something, you can ask for it but you give something you don’t need in return. Black Friday is considered a good opportunity for brands to expand their businesses, and since expansion means capturing a wider audience, we’re naturally interested in it! So, we’ve decided to look into Black Friday and Cyber Monday, in more detail in this newsletter. This month’s blog post also deals with the importance of services like translation and localization in ad campaigns. If you want to know more about marketing and translation, keep scrolling! READ THIS NEWSLETTER...